BERSERKER COGNAC SELECTED! (please sign up for bottles on post 1!)



Not sure it has to be said, but obviously Iā€™m in


Iā€™m very interested.

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I just got off a zoom meeting with Amy Pasquet.

She is going to send me some samples that I can distribute to some people for tasting. She noted that it was best to have a bit smaller group of tasters and to select an odd number for voting purposes which makes a lot of sense, so I will likely select 6 other people to help with tasting. Please send me a PM if youā€™re interested and what experience you have with spirits, especially brandy, but also other spirits.

She said she will send me samples from 5 different cognac, ranging in age from the late 70s to 90s. She said that the pricing will depend on the abv and age, but likely it would be less than what I said the previous bottlings I did with serious brandy were, which were about E550 ($588). Depending on what we pick I anticipate the final price will be more like $200-250 a bottle, including shipping and 20% VAT. She says the sales can be done through their website and they should be able to directly ship to customers in any state.

Timeframe from when we pick to delivery sounds like about 3-4 months.

After we post tasting notes I will start a Google spreadsheet for people to sign up to commit to purchase bottles so we can put together a final order.

Excited this is moving forward smoothly!

Btw I mentioned to her on our chat the reason I chose their house, which is that I think the artisanal nature of their product and love for engagement with customers is a natural fit for wine berserkers and she said sheā€™d definitely be interested in zoom tastings and potentially BD15!

She also said we can have a custom label so I will solicit some designs from people closer to the bottle being made if people are interested in helping out!



Iā€™ve heard from some people regarding being tasters and have reached out to a few others. Iā€™ll keep this open for a couple days.

Why do you have to pay VAT on export?

Itā€™s a way to facilitate direct shipping. Otherwise weā€™d have to import through a shop which is much more complex and expensive. Thatā€™s why you pay VAT buying from other online spirit vendors like fine drams, etc.

Trusting your judgment. Iā€™d be in for several bottles.

Havenā€™t had Cognac in ages but am quite fond. Gina used to sell a lot of high end stuff, so is a fairly experienced Brandy taster. Let me talk to her and see if sheā€™s interested. She has a better palate than I do, for sure.

Iā€™ve heard from about 4 ppl about tasting; if anyone else is interested that I havenā€™t corresponded with via PM is interested, let me know today as Iā€™d like to get the list of tasters finalized. If youā€™re interested but havenā€™t PMed me, send me a pm with your experience tasting spirits, especially brandy.

Iā€™m going to do my best to make this process very transparent. I will ask all of the tasters to post their notes on this thread, along with their ranking of the bottlings, then we can make a selection.



Hi Michael

Thought I had already said yes to taster, but in case not, hereā€™s a PM.

However, it depends on timing. Iā€™m out of the country 3/6-4/6ā€¦

As far as experience, Normandin Mercier is the only have the Fine Drams type Iā€™ve had, along with Duodognon (and the big houses). If you get more experienced folks, I understand and am fine with it.

Sounds like fun, thanks!


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Yeah I have you down; thereā€™s a bunch of ppl who replied to this thread who I havenā€™t heard from.

I want to get a broad cross section of ppl on the forum but also donā€™t want to get into a too many cooks in the kitchen situation in terms of making a pick.

This looks super interesting. I generally prefer vinous brandy over the bourbon look-a-likes.

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Well thatā€™s what we have in Pasquet so I think youā€™ll like it.


Sent a PM

Iā€™m very interested in the project but not sure Iā€™m competent to taste.


Thanks to everyone who messaged me regarding tasting. Iā€™m gonna see how much brandy I get and then choose a set of tasters. There are way more people who volunteered than I will be able to select so please understand that I canā€™t choose everyone or only because there isnā€™t enough product to taste but also because itā€™s hard to make a decision with too many people providing input. I do really appreciate everyone volunteering to contribute their time to this project!


Iā€™m interested in a bottle or two and as a taster if need be.



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I should receive the samples Monday and will send PMs to and publish the tasting panel shortly thereafter. Those selected can send me their address and Iā€™ll get the samples out; please publish your tasting notes to this thread as soon as you can!

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Whatever happens with who is tasting please give us pictures and if %alc is available that as well.
Iā€™m currently drinking Grossperrin from 2001 which is a nice vinous Cognac with a light color. His older ones are clearly better, but this is a nice Cognac. I also find it hard to believe that I can drink a 20+ year old product from this millennium.