BD15 Delivered and Drunk

It’s a beautifully balanced, elegant Pinot that is a joy to drink now, but will surely improve with some time (it drinks very young). My wife commented she loved it “because it doesn’t taste new world”.

I guess I don’t mind. Sellers have different reasons for what they offer on BerserkerDay. IIRC, Ernest had four labels, with Edaphos containing the more obscure varieties. Maybe they wanted to focus their energy on the other labels. It looks like the fire sale prices were roughly the same as the BerserkerDay prices; the difference was only two varieties were offered on BerserkerDay.


It was very close, 6 bottles for $150 and if you go through the process you can get 7 for $161 depending on what you select.

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It isn’t about the money. I try new wineries to find wines I like enough to hopefully purchase more in the future and I have several from BDs through the years that I love having in my cellar and wouldn’t have found otherwise. I have a limited budget and would have passed on this offer if I had known they were going out of business. Sellers are free to offer whatever they want, but I find it disingenuous to not disclose something this material to my decision.


yeah, it’s reasonable to expect them to disclose everything thats material to every buyers decision.

I haven’t opened any of the bottles yet. They are a strange size and don’t fit in the racking of our cellar

Yeah, that is not what I said.


I don’t have a dog in this fight. Are they going out of business, or discontinuing some product line?

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Flannery Beef…stop it! Two of the ribeyes came out of the box and went straight to the grill. The following week I oven-roasted one of the hangars on a Finex grill pan. Both were pure magic. The ribeye got a Corison cab and the hangar got a '19 Bracken Pinot. The remaining steaks remain packed away until BBQ weather returns.


Discontinuing a product line.

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Love the Edaphos Petite Arvine!

I can give some background on the decision to sundown the Edaphos brand as I consult with them (and am their former president) I know y’all know that things in wine are measured by years and not days or months. This decision was less about what was already in bottle (which was sold in Bday and is now also on sale) but about what was in tank/barrel and future fruit commitments.

Looking at the price of fruit, cost of production and a relatively expensive package, we deemed that some of the products in Line needed to be sundowned. While the timing might seem strange given the Bday sale, it really had nothing to do with it. We had to decide whether to commit a large sum of $$ that would play out over years. Once the decision was made, we decided it would be best to move through what we had as quickly as possible and offer our customers a good deal. In hindsight, we should have considered the timing, price and proximity to BDay, but it wasn’t what we were focused on.

These are huge decisions with lots of money at stake and ultimately the brand decided to take the hit now and sundown some of the products. One or two will be moved under the Ernest brand and we will continue to make them. I hope this makes sense. We love and respect the Berserker community and would never intentionally do anything to upset that relationship.



As WBers, we are quite adept at running other peoples businesses, including consulting with consultants. :wink:

Why not consider offering folks who purchased from you on BD specials better than the ones being offered in the “sundown” sales?? That could help move inventory and smooth over any ill-will/butt-hurt that was unintentionally created?

My $2,222.22 consulting fees worth

I bought a case of petite arvine (to split among my wine club members) on BD. I just priced out a case of petite arvine in the Edaphos sidewalk sale and, with shipping, it came to almost the exact same price (off by less than a dollar more). I don’t feel badly in the least that they are essentially selling their product at the same prices. Are there people who are honestly upset that we did not get a less expensive price last month?


Only tell him if you slip him a $50.

Help me out here, what are the can’t miss wines in this fire sale? Already have the syrah, CB, and Petite Arvine from BD sale but haven’t gotten a chance to open.

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There was at least one winery in BD15 who (I think) didn’t discount their wines at all off their regular full price (plus their offer was a bundle so it was even less consumer favorable than their website). So caveat emptor if you assume favorable pricing for the event.

Most of the BD pricing is awesome, of course. Just not all of it.


The Flannery + Corison combo is pure magic. I enjoyed mine the exact same way :slight_smile:


Didn’t know that Edaphos was being discontinued, but don’t think I much mind one way or the other. The Petite Arvine was interesting and enjoyable and not something I’ve had before- and at a reasonable price. Works for me!

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I tried my first Morgan Ranch striploin medallion last night and it was absolutely fantastic. Will be a buyer going forward!