2018 Bordeaux.


I’m shocked — the wineries espouse the latest vintage as the best ever.

Safe to say there was absolutely nothing to take away from that article.

Bordeaux after 2016 does not exist. This thread does not exist. I cannot be tempted to purchase that which does not exist.

People buy such Bordeaux with money which does not exist. [wow.gif]

Didn’t click but my guess is that it’s going to be vintage of the century.

Nice quotation:

Clyde Beffa, of the Bay Area’s K&L Wine Merchants, and his four buyers will be looking “for anything reasonably priced.” But he’s doubtful anything will be. “The Bordelais,” he says, “never get it right.”

Jeff Leve is quoted “2018 will be regarded as one of the great Bordeaux vintages”

Lol, was thinking the same thing.

Bordelais translations:

Vintage of the century: good vintage (2015, 2016)
Will not be vintage of the century: awful don’t buy (2017)

Buy Burgundy instead. [winner.gif]

We were in Burgundy this fall and whether it rivals 1947 remains to be seen but after a number of difficult vintages there were a lot of happy winemakers that we spoke with. I let their exuberance rub off and bought a barrel in the Hospice de Beaune auction after we came home. [cheers.gif]

If you follow Jeff on Instagram, he has some caveats to that – he says it’s uneven, but the highs are pretty high.

He hasn’t spelled out what the lows are yet.


It’s late and I need sleep. Bottom line is, 2018 is a good vintage with some great wines! AFWE might not like them, but at their best, I love them!

Sort of a cross between 16 and 09. Wines are richer, darker and some are higher in alcohol and extract than 09, but acidities are higher, so the wines feel brighter.

At the Paulee 2016 tastings, Bichot said it was too early to tell, but 2018 had the possibility to be as good or better than 2015-16. He was legitimately excited to taste stuff after bottling to see how it shakes out.

Until EP prices fall below 2015, I’m not buying

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Ah yes, the joys of pre-arrivals.

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I will buy just a few bottles no matter what happens as a gift.

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In all the vintage of the century nonsense, the lovely, classic 2014s have been largely forgotten. I just bought 5 magnums of the Canon for $135 each, and if you look hard there are still deals to be had.

Agreed. 2014 has a lot of value. I would love to buy that canon only if I knew more people that drink red wines.

Thanks for posting the article. I have been looking forward to reading about the 2018 trade tastings starting in Bordeaux. I have also read some who say that 18s may resemble 2003s, which means buyer beware! [snort.gif] But I am interested in seeing how a few long time favorites have done and hope to pick up a few bottles if the prices don’t spike. [cheers.gif]