2009 Myriad Cellars Cabernet Sauvignon release July 7, 2011

I received an e mail from Myriad announcing their 2009 Cab Sauv release date as July 7th for previous buyers. Cost is $48. If anyone wants to combine purchases to reduce shipping costs in Westchester, Fairfield or Manhattan, send me a PM.

If anyone has a tasting note, I’m interested in hearing what you have to say.


Whatever my allocation is… I’m buying all of it!!!

I had the wines with Mike and they are uniformly excellent.

$48? Are they only selling 375’s? [scratch.gif]

That is only for the three twins…all others remain the same pricing as last year…


Tasted the wines with Mike and they are superb. The GIII and especially the Dr Crane are all in buys and the Rutherford was killer for the price.

Dan –

No tasting notes, but IMHO this is the best line-up Mike & Myriad have released. I tried them as final blends, right before release and was really impressed (and I taste a lot of young Napa Cab). Mike seems to be hitting his stride and really dialing these wines in.

I tasted the Myriad 09 Spring Mountain, the Myriad 09 Dr. Crane, and the Myriad 09 GIII a few days ago with Mike. If you love California cabernet, back up the truck. For the price, you are getting exceptional grapes, skilled winemaking, and complex cabernet. The GIII was my favorite from the tasting but all three promise to be great wines! On our 8 day trip to wine country, Myriad produced the most consistent and rewarding lineup of wines. On a sidenote, many people are aware that Mike is now the winemaker at Carter. I’m confident the 09’s will be spectacular from that producer as well!

I was a bit confused by the email. Does anyone know if allocations are guaranteed for the first week (for previous purchasers) or do I need to be sitting at the computer at 10am with twitchy mousefinger?

locked for the 1st week.

They are open for business. I ordered my entire allocation of 750s. Passed on the large formats.

Kind of interesting pricing on the large formats. As is common in California, there is a large premium on the 1.5L’s, but there is a “discount” on the 3L in the sense that they are less than 2X the 1.5’s.


Way to step up Bud! I went in for a case (3 each) and also passed on large formats. Hopefully my resolve will not break down for the remainder of the lock down period.

Looks like the Merlot is $48 per 750 mL bottle.

Full allocation of 24 - 750’s plus added 3 mags. Exceptional wines by a class guy.

Jim, I’d have been more tempted if I didn’t already have a 3.0L bottle of the 08 Spring Mtn. Cab.

Merlot? [scratch.gif]

Never mind. My eyes were playing tricks on me. Too many 12 to 14 hour days lately.

I just placed my order. The reference to Merlot caught me off guard and made me look again!!!