2008 Thomas Pinot Noir Release Letter

Arrived via mail yesterday. Hard to go wrong with this producer in this vintage I would suspect. Has anyone tried this wine? Like the “Joes 5 Pack” option. 4 bottles and a magnum for $290. Price includes shipping and of course no sales tax from the beautiful state of Oregon.


Is the mailing list closed? If not, where do you go to sign up?

No brainer. All over the 5 pack.

Anyone have experience picking orders up directly? I’m in the area and wondering if this is an option and if there is a price difference as well. Cheers.

I have no idea whether the list is closed but to inquire you need to do so via mail at the address below:

Thomas Winery
PO Box 48
Carlton, OR 97111

Very old school.


how does one get their name on this mailing list?

duh @ me… I didn’t refresh the page before I posted my question.

Thx Tom!

Since you’re just now getting the letter, I sincerely doubt it. Don’t worry. Buy it anyway.

I am in for a case…which is the max you can purchase from the postcard “mailer” due to limited yields.

J.T. called 2008 the Goldylocks vintage…not too hot; not too cold…almost too perfect…


http://www.avalonwine.com/Thomas-Winery.php#axzz14YTOiHoI" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

nice pics too.

  • Scott

Bob you live in wine country so you are aware that you can often taste wine at the winery before it is released. I will buy it sight unseen anyhow but I was just asking…


Tom, sorry if I offended you, but pre-release tasting at Thomas is about as likely to happen as a sunrise in the west, and I don’t know anyone who’s ever done it. The guy is practically a mirage. Even with my 14 years here, I wouldn’t know him if he walked through the door right now.

No offense taken. Cheers.



Thanks for the link to the Avalon piece on John Thomas. Very nice article on a guy I have only met through an annual postcard.


The taste of paper that the release letter is printed on is the only thing consistant I’ve ever found with Thomas. If you like what you tried of Thomas, don’t plan on ever having that experience twice due to the massive bottle variation. I consistantly have picked it blind as the worst wine in the line up, but on the flip side, some people like the burning tire profile it has ‘sometimes’. Even to my best wine buddies that love it, they admit you never know what you’re going to get in the bottle. I’d save my money, there are far better wines for the same price or less in Oregon, and it’s always available somewhere. This is the one Oregon wine I truly can’t stand.


If you have any offending back vintage bottles of Thomas clogging up your cellar, I would be happy to take them off your hands!


I agree that there is some bottle variation but not sufficient to deter my enthusiasm.

The taste of paper that the release letter is printed on is the only thing consistant I’ve ever found with Thomas. If you like what you tried of Thomas, don’t plan on ever having that experience twice due to the massive bottle variation. I consistantly have picked it blind as the worst wine in the line up, but on the flip side, some people like the burning tire profile it has ‘sometimes’. Even to my best wine buddies that love it, they admit you never know what you’re going to get in the bottle. I’d save my money, there are far better wines for the same price or less in Oregon, and it’s always available somewhere. This is the one Oregon wine I truly can’t stand.

I’ve read all two of your other posts and I can gleen that you are quite the absolutist and that you comment upon women’s haircuts. I only wish that you far more authoritative and respected because if you were the supply of Thomas would increase and the swell of Thomas’ rising cult following would decrease.

I’ve had a couple bottles each of 03, 04, and 05 and am much more in the positive camp. So I am also in the market if you want to dump any wine.

Based on what i’ve seen on Winebid, it looks like maybe some folks don’t have patience w/ the 05?
Or maybe it was just an unusually larger bottling?
I do think the 05 will be a very nice wine wine in time and have been accumulating.

There could be a middle ground here though. Looking back at this thread,

Thomas Oregon pinot tasting in the vineyard - WINE TALK - WineBerserkers" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

There was some good discussion of bottle variation, expectations of older vintages, etc.
This is the best retrospective look i’ve seen lately from people of this board that I have learned to respect. And the scope of their experience was clearly defined. It’s certainly not a universal rave, but rather a good constructive discussion.

Don’t mince words, John. [rofl.gif] [berserker.gif]