2008 Thomas Pinot Noir Release Letter

In the past couple of months, I have had both a 02 and 04 Thomas. I thought both were drinking beautifully. My cellar of Thomas is fairly thin,realitively, but my experience has been that they age beautifullly, but are not drink now wines. They need aging. Since ,imo, this is the case with most 08 OR pinots in general, if you have no intention to let your Thomas lie in the cellar for multiple years, you may be best served spending your money elsewhere. If you have patience, I believe you will be well pleased.

I have not found bottle variation by vintage from Thomas. I’m just not sure there is a Thomas style, so that the wine he made in 04 may not in any way resemble his 05s and/or 06s. This does frustrate people because they look for a house style, and although imo Thomas makes wonderful wines year in and out, I don’t believe he gives you that in his wines.

I will be a buyer from the mailer. flirtysmile More 08s for the cellar.

Absolutist, no. Opinionated yes. I’ve had Thomas many many times and only had one bottle that was o.k. And it was a general consensus with the group, so that’s how I formed my absolutist minced womans hair cut opinion. I’d love to try a harmonious bottle, that’s why I keep trying like anyone dedicated to the craft. IMHO there are many great examples of Burgundian style Oregon wines that deliver nearly every time for great prices that age effortlessly. I’ve never understood the reason so many people like it and like me, many don’t based on similar experience. And no, I don’t have any left, but it’s usually on winebid for about $50.

John, all I can say is that - in my experience and that of others, and there’s plenty - you’re a minority of one. Sorry you had such poor experiences, but you’re the only one who has.

Bob, it seems pretty clear. A mass mailing list exodus is in order, unless you prefer the flavor of the paper.

Last night’s 07 could not possibly have been:

  • Better integrated than the previous two bottles
  • Showing pleasing smoky meat and earth elements
  • Displaying fine acidic balance
  • Exhibiting a fruit profile similar to a darker Gevrey from the base of the Combe Lavaux


I asked John if he was going sample any of the wine and the response was no. Unlike last year he dropped off a bottle 2-3 weeks before release to test drive. Supply is just a little more tight this year. The wine should be dropped off next week, he said the 16th. That of course could be delayed, but if not there should be a tasting note soon from someone.

Maybe because they think it tastes good?

We’ve had it several times in blind tastings where people had never tasted Thomas pinot before and it has come out on top against formidable competition. I never question anyone else’s amateur palate (like my own), but the wine has been amazingly good and consistent among my friends that are pinot and Burgundy lovers when tasted blind.


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Good to hear. This showed exceptionally well from barrel. However, has been very tightly wound, since bottling.

Has anyone on the East coast received their offer? I’m in North Carolina and haven’t yet. Curious to know if others have. Thanks.


Got mine about a week ago.

Got mine over a week ago. Order sent in.

Burgundian or Oregonian? Do tell. [snort.gif] I want some names of these Burgundian Pinots please… [berserker.gif]

Where did John go? I’m still waiting for the list of Burgundian Oregon Pinots… [wow.gif]

Popped an 08 tonight (taking one for the team) . . .

Popped and poured . . . very spicy on the nose but closed and astringent palate.

Decanted the rest . . . much better after some air. Still very young and wild tannins but a nice core of complex red fruit showed itself along with the expected bracing acidity. Came around nicely after just 30-60 minutes. Appears to have enough fruit to last until the tannic aspect chills out a bit.

As a comparison the 07 I opened at released was decanted for 5-6 hours and never resolved. Still haven’t opened another . . .

Sorry, don’t mean to ever leave one hanging, I don’t frequent the boards that often. I’ve had nice wines this past summer from Adelshiem, Cameron, Bethel Heights and Beaux Freres. The youngest being '94 BFV. The Beaux isn’t burgundian, but it ages well, same for the bottles of late 80’s Bethel. The Cameron and Adelsheim from 85 and 87 did well and are usually considered more burgundian, Cristom also of which I didn’t appreciate until I got into burgundy last year. Oregon will never be Burgundy and vice versa, but I love both and for aging, Oregon makes some nice examples of burgundian style. And, to eat my words, and to be completely honest, I did have the '08 this weekend and it was the bottle everyone always talks about, it was fantastic. Hopefully I can improve my Thomas batting average over time.

Curiously, what is the turn around on the orders these days?

Must be pretty slow. As far as I can tell my check has not cleared yet despite being sent a couple weeks ago.


I mailed my check on the 8th (same day as the post card arrived) and it was cashed on the 15th.

Can’t argue with that [cheers.gif] Where are you sourcing this ageded Duck Juice?

I picked a lot of the old Oregon up at Martinottis Deli in Portland this past summer. There was good bad and ugly condition bottles, but most of the ones I got looked brand new with perfect fills. There were some occasional stinkers, but at $15 a bottle for 80’s vintages of Adelshiem, Cameron and Bethel Heights, it was worth a few bad ones. I paid $20 for 82’ and '83 Eyrie Reserve but havent opened them. The Beaux I generally get from gleaning the web and pick them off where possible. Oddly, I’ve been as big of a fan of Cameron as I was for Thomas (of which my opinion nearly got me crucified due to the Thomas love on the board) but seeing how they aged gives me good perspective to the potential of Cameron and Thomas. The Camerons were quite nice when they were on.

Mailed my check the same day that I received the offer (the 6th, I think), check cleared about a week or so later, wine arrived Monday (22nd)