2007 Sine Qua Non Release

The 2007 SQN mailer just hit.

2007 “Labels” Syrah - 89%Syrah, 7% Grenache & 4% Viognier
2007 “Picture” Grenache - 88%Grenache, 10.5% Syrah & 1.5% Viognier

The full titles of the wines are actually much longer, but they are saving them as a surprise when you actually receive the bottles, gotta love Manfred and Elaine.

both still $135 a bottle

then the Sticky Box set - $500

2x .375ml ''06 Rousanne Vin De Paille and 2x .375ml '07 Grenache Vin de Paille - both are called “To the Rescue”

Yields on the reds are down, so they are bottling less large format bottles (not that I get offered any).

Postcard for me…

Not a check I want to drop right now but…I’ll definitely do it.

I know, it’s painful. $1100+ for Saxum and now this one’s gonna be close to 2 grand. [suicide.gif]


Oops, forgot the Rose offer too. $50 per for the 2008 “The Pontiff” - 47%Grenache, 31%Syrah, 22%Roussanne. They claim it drinks much more like a red wine than a rose.

Oh, and Tex: [middle-finger.gif]

Pm me, I’ll share the love.

Dang it. Wasn’t expecting this one yet. [suicide.gif]

same here…its little over #3100 with tax and ship if i take all…i may pass on sticky this time around :frowning:

Post card again as usual. [cry.gif]

If anyone wants to unload one of each syrah and grenache, let me know!

I expected yet another postcard, but I just picked up the mail, and found an envelope with an offer. I can’t remember how long I was on the waiting list. Thank you E and M. What a nice surprise.

Your one of 4, congrats! [welldone.gif]

I read that as being the last go around, not this time, but thanks anyway. I attribute it to the repulsive energy buffer deflecting the psychotronic energy in my avatar. [scratch.gif]

My 482nd postcard [cry.gif]

Are you telling me that only 4 new members made the list for this mailer?

Postcard. But I’ve only been on the wait list for 2 years.

I think that only four new individuals made it on the last mailer. Maybe that number will rise with this one given the tough economy. If it were me…I would never give it up. I’d sell my wife and eat dog food for a year in order to afford whatever they offered me.

No offer, no postcard yet either…

IIRC, someone posted last year that there were ~1,000 people on the waiting list. Let’s see, 4 people a year – that’s only about a 250 year wait. Yea!

What blows my mind is the amount of the 06 raven wines that I found at retail. If only 4 people made the list last year, why is there so much wine via retail. Shouldn’t they hold more wine for the list and move people up?