12 Angry men: Who Are They

I thought some of the ‘stories’ are also born of the auction night dinners and other Acker events which were pay to play but had epic wine flights, so not necessarily indicating the participants all had huge $$$ wine cellars? I don’t think you’ll find a shortage of praise for Ray here, he has certainly been kind and generous with many members here and drinking with him is always a pleasure. I don’t know any other confirmed/alleged members personally.

Sorry to disappoint some,but although I know and have drunk with most of those listed,I was never a member of the 12 angry men- nor do I know who the members were .Never seemed to matter much,and was never invited.

Hi Ed, are you this Ed Milstein?

If so, congratulations on your success in life.

Yes- Should make a good movie.



Who is going to play Don then…

Edward, I had assumed that “The Punisher” was a member of the 12 Angry Men, as per this quote:

As per this exchange in an archived thread, you are “The Punisher” (http://dat.erobertparker.com/bboard/showthread.php?t=215309):

From the same thread, I also understand that you were “Airplane” as well:

I always enjoyed reading the tasting notes from their events, but never met any of the 12 Angry men in person, however, Ray T. went out of his way to help me with a couple of bottles of birth year wine for my wife - for which I’ll always be grateful.

Must have been a previous punisher,since I never got to drink with the 12 angry men.Don’t know who the previous one was though.Guess John isn’t that creative with his nicknames.

I second your comment about Ray; truly a gem of a guy.

+2, as well as others that I’ve had meals with, true Angry Men or not (several of the Country Squires, as they were called, on one of those lists).

All I can say is that many posts of Mr. Rosania and Mr. Tuppatsch on the old Parker board were pretty arrogant and unpleasant in tone and style. They seemed to be a show off kind of thing. I had some battles with them and I had the feeling that they thought I am not worth to discuss with because I have no Magnums of old DRC in my cellar to open with pizza.

A total contrast is Mr. Milstein. While he seems to have a very deep cellar and knowledge he is a true gentleman based on his contributions here and on other wine boards. I have a lot of respect for him. One thing is clear: I would love to share a bottle of wine with Mr. Milstein. I am not that interested to do the same with the other persons.

i can only add that to be anywhere near the epicenter of an acker auction back in the day, meant you were likely to taste some incredible stuff courtesy of many of the above-named guys’ largesse.
it always seemed that everyone was contributing treasures and they flowed like wine [wink.gif]

although i tasted more wines than i recall, some of them were 1928 palmer, la la’s going back to the beginning, all manner of old burgs, and a ton of champagnes including the best one i ever put to my lips, the 81 krug collection from mag courtesy of todd m.
all this for the contribution of a 90 dp.

although most definitely near the heights of conspicuous consumption, these were mostly really good guys having a good time in a manner very few could.

flame away.

No real opinion on any of the guys since the only one I’ve ever met was Ray T and he was most generous in pouring some older Champagne, something with which I am not particularly familiar. He seemed a decent guy who had some success in life and was able to pursue what he loved.

The others I know mostly by their internet personae, which may or may not do justice to a person - e.g., I’ve been called unpleasant by some people who’ve never met me in person.

Wine is enjoyable. Why on earth would anyone want to call themselves ANGRY in the context of wine? What kind if image is that supposed to be?


It’s like RP’s sig line - “Living well is the best revenge.”

Revenge against whom? For what?

In any event, if you create an image of yourself by loudly and frequently boasting about DRC and about your amazing palate and collection and acting like a douche at auctions, but then fall strangely silent when it’s revealed that much of that wonderful juice discussed was fake, that’s a lesson for all of us.

Labels matter.

Not saying that some of the “12” aren’t good guys. But surely at least a couple in the group deserved to be seriously flogged on the interweb. I guess you could say that Rudy did the world a favor. At least in regards to some of these gents.

I’ve never met any of the 12 Angry Men in person, though I will say that Ray was extremely generous & reasonable when he & I exchanged a series of PMs after I was pilloried by the delightful human being that is Rob Rosania on the “other board” after having commented on one of the now-infamous nights at Cru posted on by Rudy K. himself. I believe the equally “lovely” Gil Lempert-Schwartz was involved in that evening & that thread as well. Is he one of the 12 Angry Men?

I think Rudy did the world a huge favor.

Not that I like to see innocent people get screwed, but first, he exposed so many people as bullshit artists rather than “experts”, and second, he scored a direct hit on the idea of wine as a Veblen good.

My favorite 12 Angry Men moment that I can talk about was seeing one of them Puking out DRC in the bathroom of Veritas.

Some of those guys are far from innocent. At least one in particular.

how about the things you can’t talk about [stirthepothal.gif]

The Hillbilly, and far too rational to blow as much as a nickel on anything that Rudy had to sell. I would not put vying with Parker to corner the global market on Flannery rib-caps past him, though! :slight_smile: