Coravin demo

i placed an order as well…still not SURE I am going to use this a lot, but want some thing for my higher end reds that I dont plan to drink in one night.

I wouldn’t be so hard on them. I had no problems ordering and also got a quick email from customer service when I ordered before I got the code for the free capsules (they added the capsules to my order). I did register before I ordered, however. This product has the potential to be revolutionary.

I would really like to hear testimonials regarding wines that may have been coravin’d, rested in the cellar for a few years, and drank recently. I know there are users & restaurants that demo’d this for awhile, and I have to think some of them have valuable feedback. The intro video shows a bottle with 2 access dates, but no word on the evolution of the wine over a long period versus an un-coravin’d bottle.

Time will tell.

I’m still on the fence and barely hangin on. There is alot of temptation to sample some bottles that are earmarked for the long road.

to be honest, the value for me doesn’t even have to be holding the wine for more than a month in the same state!

FWIW, I watched the RP video and was convinced; I still have a subscription to eRP. While RP may have a different worldview than many of us (on wine), I did believe him when he described the integrity of wines he was tasting from bottles that had been “tapped” many times previously. I mean, imagine being able to try a glass of anything in your cellar without any dilution or degradation? Every time I go into my cellar I see that bottle of '64 Cheval Blanc. Wouldn’t it be great to drink it over a year? Or several? This product is a bit selfish because there may be less sharing!

Now we just need to figure out how we’re going to manage volume left in the bottle in Cellar Tracker.

This should be a berserker day group buy…oops…it’s only July! [soap.gif]


I was at the #Coravin launch event tonight. I went in completely skeptical and I must say that I am now truly impressed. I tasted from three separate bottles of the same wine ('08 Produttori del Barbaresco Montestefano), each opened about two week’s ago and each from a different table at the event. I had tasted this wine at a trade tasting earlier this year (pop 'n pour) and I have to say, it’s was amazing.

After talking with the creator, he explained that he’s used it to taste from the same bottles over ten years time??? I know the website doesn’t boast anything like this but I’m sure there will be plenty of feedback going forward.

The only obvious con I see to this is the replacement of argon gas canisters, which could get pretty expensive over time. I asked often about the possibility of larger capacity cartridges and they hinted to research into it, but no product on the horizon.

I was actually thinking the exact same thing.

Hopefully they will add a Corvain drop down box or equivalent with % of bottle remaining and corresponding percentages to what volume is left in the bottle.

I’m excited about this, placed my order tonight. Can’t wait to take it on a test drive!

Just picked one up!

I don’t know if this has been discussed yet…but I wonder how the auction places like winebid are going to handle this? I can just see someone taking a little sip or two from their abnormally high fill Leroy, then sending it out to auction? I would hope that winebid and the likes would look for the puncture hole in the foil, and disclose properly? I for one would not be too happy if I bought a bottle that had been Coravin’d!!

Please let us know how it works. I’ll be waiting for feedback before taking the plunge.

But given how often I have wine leftover from a bottle it sounds like a potentially useful purchase.

What is the approximate cost in canisters/bottle?

I’ll ask them, nonetheless

I think for most folks, the testimonial by RP that the wine was unchanged over 4-5 yrs is all the evidence that they need.

I would like to take a Coravin’d btl down half way and then compare it to a just opened btl of the same wine after 6 mo-yr.
But that’s just me…no reason that anyone should allow scientific evidence to stand in the way of infallible anecdotal evidence.

Tom. What scientific evidence?

Tom, you’re welcome to drop by my shop and sample two bottles of the same wine, one Coravin’d, the other untouched, and see for yourself.

In the intervening decade since Greg showed me his prototype, I have experienced the effectiveness of the (formerly named Wine Mosquito) Coravin of harmlessly replacing wine with argon in a sealed bottle.

I’m slightly worried this invention will stall sales of high end wine since one would potentially “drink” a bottle over the course of several sittings. However, my hope is this device will allow those who typically would not purchase wines over a certain price to take a chance on single bottles to “drink” over the course of said several sittings.

I just have a hard time with the price tag - “those who typically would not purchase wines over a certain price” are certainly not going to shell out for this thing.

I LOVE wine and can’t really figure out if I would ever use this thing. I want to share my bottles with groups of friends, at dinners, over holidays with loved ones. I don’t want to sneak a glass for myself of some expensive wine over the course of ten years. The idea of that just does not really excite me.

Assuming this thing works as advertised, a couple of things. I would argue that this could facilitate more sharing/exploration for friends. You could offer anything in your cellar to a visitor. “What do you want to try?”

You could do a vertical of many years with just a few guests.

You could also preview wines before a dinner party. Nothing more disappointing than having a big dinner party and opening something that turns out to be a dud, or worse, too young (“I shouldn’t have opened that.”).

I can also see using it on a Tuesday night when my SO is out-of-town/drinking iced tea/etc. You want some wine. Do you open a “daily drinker” knowing that it is likely that you will stick half the bottle into the fridge? Instead, you can open a better bottle. Also, I will admit to sometimes overindulging in order to finish an open bottle. This thing saves lives!

Previewing wines (especially mags and 2 bottle requirements based on guest count) will effectively eliminate last minute additions for our dinner parties.

How about testing for premox after a few years? It’s pretty pricy, but it would be nice to be able to get a read on wines.