Your Reference Wine For Italian Sangiovese?

What in your opinion is the wine that represents the finest expression of Italian Sangiovese?

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Pergole Torte

Soldera Case Basse
Biondi Santi

Fontalloro - Felsina. After that Pergole Torte and Soldera Case Basse. Maybe I should have said Felsina Rancia Chianti?

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Totally agree - Rancia is (for me) the quintessential Italian Sangiovese - Fontalloro right behind it - and for value - Felsina’s Chianti Classico -

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Another vote for Pergole Torte.

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Pergole Torte!

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LpT for elegance. Flaccianello for more ripeness. Brunello.

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Hands down wines from Montevertine & Soldera No runner-ups even close IMHO


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For me it’s Poggio di Sotto.
It would be Soldera but I struggle with the VA levels.

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I struggle with the prices…

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CCR = Badia a Coltibuono

CRR = Selvapiana

Brunello = many wonderful producers but 1970 Costanti Riserva the “ne plus ultra” for me.

Super Tuscans = Badia’s “Sangioveto”.

1999 Giuseppe Sesti Brunello di Montalcino

It wasn’t even a Riserva as I recall - just a Normale.

You’re not the only one…but we know that ‘reference’ books always cost the most money, don’t they?!

As for my own reference, it was a stellar bottle of a 1990 Sodi di San Nicolo, memorable after all these years. Costanti is probably up there as well. I have to see how they age, but some of the producers who make a ‘super riserva’ (like Rancia) seems to me a little spoofed-up to my tastes. If anyone wants to demonstrate in person how these transform with years on them, please pm me.

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Playing with my own money: Costanti.
Playing with the house’s: Soldera.

Agreed. I don’t get the hype of Soldera. Which is fine since he’s such a dick. :slight_smile:

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Flaccianello or Rancia.

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Many great producers but Giuseppe Mezzocolin at Felsina is the master of sangiovese, making wines that attempt to be as transparent to variety and terroir as anyone making it. Long before most he persued making wines that fully expressed the capability of pure sangio as almost religion. I am not saying it is the absolute best in every vintage but if I was teach a class on what defines Sangiovese, it would be his Rancia that I would use as a reference. A true benchmark to compare others. I agree that Pergole is at the apex but it is unique to its terroir and much less accessable to the masses. Without sounding like too much of a fanboy, I think Felsina also operates under a business model that all wineries should emulate.


Fontodi Flaccianello 2006