Your best Wine & Cheese match

I had some leftovers of a 2004 Argiano Brunello from yesterday, poured a glass and consumed it together with a piece of Rochebaron cheese. Rochebaron is a soft, runny, french cheese almost like a brie but a blue-veined version which is rolled in ashes. The woody aromas and cedar taste of the brunello enhanced the ammoniac and ash taste of the cheese, in a way which complemented both the wine and the cheese. I love when i discover a food and wine match which is more than just compatible, but instead elevating the whole tasting experience!

Got me wondering, what is your best wine and cheese match that you have found to complement not only the cheese, but also the wine? would love to hear some opinions and get some inspiration for myself! [cheers.gif]

Cool question -

The obvious always comes to mind first - Vintage Port and Stilton -

But the one that I tend to use more than any other is -

Champagne and Aged Amsterdam Gouda - I am addicted to that match -

Hmmm. Have some of both in the fridge.
Thanks for the suggestion.

Another classic that deserves to be is Gewurztraminer with Alsatian Munster.


Crottin de Chavignol with Vatan Sancerre.

This is a great match. The aged Gouda is similar in texture to an aged, granular Parmigiano-Reggiano, but the Gouda has a nuttier flavor.

My favorite wine and cheese match, though, is Champagne with matured Brillat-Savarin.

I love Barolo with Gorgonzola or sottocenere. They are like nitro and glycerin.

Best I ever had was Robiola di Valsassina with Sauternes. Unexpected for me.

Since my favorite answers are taken

I’ll go with Soumaintrain and Chablis
2nd choice would be aged Parmegiano Reggiano and aged Barbaresco

Cheese generally goes with wine a lot worse than most people assume but Bleu d’Auvergne with aged Sauternes is a match to behold.

Chablis with Epoisses is nice.

Amarone and virtually any hard cheese

Love port (vintage or 30 year tawny) with Epoisses.

Love port (vintage or 30 year tawny) with Epoisses.

But Serra da Estrela is better! [cheers.gif]

Interesting. I will try this sometime.

Actually, I will try almost anything with Epoisses.

Kaukauna Port Wine cheese and Smokey Cheddar cheese on Carr’s plain or garlic crackers go great with any wine. Don’t need no fancy schmancy.

sauternes and beemster!

Mimolette with anything red!

Love that cheese with red wine. A nice SC Mtn Pinot perhaps.

A good crottin de Chavignol with a good, chilled Sancerre or Pouilly-Fumé.

Reminds me of…

Many great choices, but Port and Stilton is the best.