WTT: Your Chave Rouge for my ???

I’ve been bitten by the Chave bug…and I’d like to have a few more bottles than the six or so bottles I have. I have a variety of wines that I’d be happy to trade, Burgundy, Barolo, or other. I do have a few bottles of Richebourg in particular that I think may be of interest to someone that also likes Chave. Please PM what vintages and # of bottles of Chave Rouge if you think this may be of interest for you.

Thanks, Kirk

Ps. I’ve had positive trades with Brian Stotter, TBurklow, Tim F, & Doug Schulman here in the forum.

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Bottle of ‘91 for your eternal soul and a shipping label?

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At the risk of being put on suspension for commenting on pricing, an eternal soul for 1991 Chave is cheap.

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What would you trade to me for Mark’s?


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You aren’t kidding. Wow. Mine are all drunk up, but I bought a case on release that were marked down because of a bad Parker score. Seems like the market has recognized the quality of the vintage.

I understand the sentiment but please watch your language.

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And besides, I am too attached to my eternal soul to trade it for Chave. Someone else’s eternal soul, I am happy to trade.

I’m with you Sir…but it’s always worth checking the market value. :slight_smile:

What Barolo do you have?

PM sent

PM me burgs - i will PM back chaves

Out of curiosity, what era Chaves are you looking for?

I’ve already secured enough 2017 & 2018, but anything before that.

I think for me, the important part of a trade is that both parts feel like it’s fair, and whenever possible it’s preferable if both sides feel like they got a deal. If it’s not possible, it’s not a good trade in my mind.

The best wine dinner I had in 2020 (granted there weren’t many) was a 1991 Northern Rhone horizontal. Chave was wine of the night followed by La Landonne and La Mouline. Jamet showed great. Gentaz was a disappointing bottle. Ogier was the surprise of the night. So good!

funny you say this. Iv feel like all my dinners recently are dominated by Rhones. We had 4 guys the Thursday before the blip and wine of the night was 90 Rayas. Followed by a 91 Gentaz.

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