WTT: 2007 Grace Family for other 2007 Cabs

I have a 6-pack of 2007 Grace Family Cabernet Sauvignon, and I realistically don’t need to/want to drink all of them, so I’d really like to trade some bottles for other 2007 Cabernets from Napa that I missed out on for whatever reason. Grace has fallen a bit off the radar screen lately with all of the new cults out there, but they’ve been consistently good, and the 2007 got decent scores (at least from Tanzer; I don’t think RMP reviewed it).

Nonetheless, I recognize that it’s probably overpriced at the $225/per that I paid off the mailing list, so here’s the deal: I’m willing to trade bottles straight up for almost anything that cost up to that, and as low as $100 or so.

For example, I’d absolutely love a bottle of Maybach ($125) or Quilceda Creek ($130), and would gladly eat the difference. Same with any number of other wines under $200, like Kapcsandy, Ovid, Corra, Spottswoode, Realm, Merus, Jones, etc. For more expensive wines, like Futo or Dana or Shafer HSS and the like, maybe we can work something out. I’d even listen to creative offers including lower-priced, but highly-desirable wines like Saxum, Outpost, Karl Lawrence, etc., Copain Syrahs, or Pinots like Rhys, K-B or R-M.

Really I just want to try some different wines that I haven’t had before, and I figured I might be able to use the Grace as a bargaining chip. If you’re interested in helping me out, PM your proposed trades.


Thanks to everyone who has sent me a message so far – I’ve received a bunch of fun trade offers! I will respond to all in a few days and hope to finalize some deals soon (although no hurry – the wine isn’t going anywhere!).

No one out there wants to trade me one measly bottle of Maybach or Quilceda Creek? [cry.gif]

All my '07 QC Estates are gone. Are you interested in the upcoming Vineyard Designates?

I am willing to trade one QC, however I am weary of shipping to DC. Are you in bay area any time soon?

Thanks, but I’ve found someone who can do the trade in person.

Still looking for Maybach! [berserker.gif]