I continue to Pobega wines from my BlackThurs shipment:
Bedrock Cuvee Karatas Semillon MonteRossoVnyd/SonomaCnty WW (14.1%; Plntd: 1886) 2015: Med.gold color; quite figgy/waxy/Semillon rather earthy/some OV (?) rather complex nose; quite tart/tangy bit steely/earthy/stony strong Semillon/waxy/parafin/figgy slight metallic/steely structured flavor; very long strong waxy/figgy/Semillon rather stony/earthy/metallic strong Semillon/figgy/waxy finish; not a lot of aromatics but speaks strongly of waxy Semillon; very structured & should go out 10-15 yrs to make a very interesting Semillon; don’t try again for 5 yrs.
A wee BloodyPulpit:
- Semillon: This wine reminded me a bit of the Kalin (Livermore) Semillon but w/o the oak. Actually, it reminded me more of those old Louis M.Martini MR Semillons of old, but w/ more richness & structure. They were always pretty underwhelming in their youth, boring actually (like this TN), but developed quite well w/ some age. I had a Martini Semillon at about 20 yrs of age that was amazing. This wine will be even more so, I suspect. Semillon in Calif can make a truly great wine & I wish more winemakers would work with it.
- OV: I have had a few OV Zins over the yrs that I think I can recognize that dusty/OV character in those wines. But in OV whites, the OV character is not so obvious. I think I might have picked up some similarities in the Carlisle Derivative and this Karatas, but I’m not altogether sure. I am such a klutz when it comes to tasting wine…I need to get out & taste more.