All ya’ll who want to sell some of your better wines, a friend’s associate just built a 1200 bottle cellar and has probably 20 bottles, and I"m guessing all contemporary Silver Oak. He needs to fill it up, and is looking for wines.
He (with me at a couple bottles and a friend with a couple) just cleaned out Dick Krueger’s wine for sale, so PM or email me with details if you have stuff you want to have him consider.
Is he interested in new mailing lists for higher end stuff. I recently got bumped up to the 06 Pride reserve and 04 Shafer HSS lists. I can share/give those up…
Zach can vouch for me…
Lemme know - PM or email best
Email would be better… I’m not always able to get on the board during the day.
Todd, you;re in good hands with Mike…I’ve shared and purchased NUMEROUS bottles with him!
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Well done! I;ve never seen that before
Dude, ‘Guy Love’ is CLASSIC!!!
I have tons of cali cab, old and new that I am trying to get rid of.
Let me know if that is his thing as it sounds like it may be.
I can only spare 1167 bottles. Does someone have 13 more?
Does he know what kind of wine he likes or is he just looking for an instant cellar?