WTB: Cayuse in Seattle

I’m looking for a few bottles of Cayuse Armada, Cailloux and Bionic Frog.

Preferably recent vintages but I’d be interested in older vintages too if I couldn’t find any newer ones.

I will be in Seattle on Oct 11 and 12, 2014.

Please send me a PM if you have any of them for sale.

Thanks in advance.

If you don’t get any responses, check out Esquin Wine when you are in town. They had a TON available about 2 weeks ago, including Cailloux and Bionic. The prices seemed on the high side, but I didn’t compare them to wine searcher or anything.

Thanks for the lead. I will definitely check Esquin Wine as last resort if I couldn’t find anything from members of the forum.

A ton as of Tuesday still.

I was there on Thursday, and they still had a ton. Probably because it’s so expensive. Regular syrahs $140, Bionic Frog for $200.


Call McCarthy and Schiering

[quote=“FPonto”]I’m looking for a few bottles of Cayuse Armada, Cailloux and Bionic Frog.

Preferably recent vintages but I’d be interested in older vintages too if I couldn’t find any newer ones.

I will be in Seattle on Oct 11 and 12, 2014.

Please send me a PM if you have any of them for sale.

Thanks in advance.[/quote

Did not see this until now, just came south for the winter. I could have helped you out too.

I took care of FPonto and got him some Cayuse :slight_smile:


I need some Screaming Eagle !!!

Can you help please [thankyou.gif] [thankyou.gif] [thankyou.gif] [thankyou.gif] [thankyou.gif]

Yes. Ben definitely took a great care regarding this matter.

Thank you and hopefully I can meet you when I go to Seattle again.