Would you buy this?

Upscale sushi joint. $98 on the list.



Pass. 2009 Chablis, too ripe. Stick to 04, 07, 08, 11.

Given what are likely limited options, yes. That’s not much higher than retail.


Is it a one-bottle wine list Mark, or do we get to answer the question in the context of what your alternatives might be?

This thread is such a perfect example of the great getting in the way of the good. Mark, instead of ordering a beautiful, slightly riper-than-usual Grand Cru Chablis, order Sapproro and be mad they didn’t have the 04.

obviously we are being trolled here, mark’s definition of upscale sushi is they don’t put fried tempura pieces on top of the spicy tuna roll ;p

I disagree. I wouldn’t buy it if it was $50, let alone $98. I’m not a fan of the producer, or the vintage in any way shape or form. If you’re dying to drink a white, have no experience with the producer (or happen to enjoy Verget), sure why not. For me? No.

And '09 Chablis is much more than “slightly riper-than-usual”.

What did their restroom look like?

We’ll have to disagree on this. I see the whites from this year (09 Chablis and CdB both) sharing very similar characteristics with the reds - would-be purists screeching about over-stated early ripeness that has already started to shift towards more classic notes - see also 06 whites and recent notes. Top 09 Chablis is only just starting to show its breed, but if you have already made your mind up…hey 83 reds, 72 reds, 93 whites…

In the meantime, Mark, if they don’t have Raveneau Grand Crus 04 or 08 for less than $100, stick to your WB Chablis Street Cred guns and order beer. Everyone will admire your commitment, and you will enjoy Sapporo.

I’ve been very happy with 09 whites. I had a Raveneau Butteaux in Sept. that started a little fat but after about an hour it was classic Raveneau.

So generally speaking, how would you rank 06/07/08/09/10 vintages for Chablis? How about for CdB whites? I’m personally not a fan of 06 or 09 whites. Far too tropical for my taste.

Thank you for the laugh 90 minutes before a Monday.

Oof. Off the top of my head - 08, 10, 09, 07 and 06 for both regions, “best” to “worst”, though the gap between the two is much more narrow than it used to be.

This has been informed mostly by wines I have been able to try, with price factored in, and based on my personal preferences. My experience with 06 was definitely mixed. The 09s, less so. I felt like 06 made people panicky over 09, but to me, the young 09s were always better, if not stylistically in some people’s wheelhouse young.

Switch 07 and 09 and I agree entirely on all points (for whites). I’ve definitely had 09 whites that I thought were tasty, but that’s a really, really small handful of wines. Roulot for example. I’m a fan of 09 reds…

I will say 07 came out when I was tasting less Burgundy of both colors in a professional capacity. I’ve liked them (Chablis in particular), but my direct experience is limited, and I factor that into my personal rankings.

07’ Chablis is fantastic when they are not premoxed, I’m not saying this to stir the pot but I have had many 07’ premoxed Chablis including every Servin that I have had.
07’s are awesome when they are on but I’ve already drunk most of them, which is sad as I would like to have seen these at 20 years old, I’m just not willing to role the dice anymore.

I get that Chablis vintages like '07, '08 and '10 are better than '06, '09 and '12, but, at the top level, I think it’s small margins.

I have a friend who says 'I’ve never had a good ‘06 Chablis’. Yesterday, I took an '06 Fevre Les Clos to a blind tasting, it is a glorious wine (he wasn’t there). Several people thought it might be a high quality Cote de Beaune, but noone even picked it as an '06. The same for Mike’s '06 Dauvissat Preuses and the '03 Dauvissat Les Clos at the same tasting.

I’ve recently had the '09 Raveaneu MdT and Les Clos and they’re both excellent Chardonnays, even though they don’t have searing acidity like some of the '08s had on release. Similarly the top '12 Fevres (the Les Clos is something very special, but not high acid) and the '12 Piuze MdT. If they survive premox, you may be drinking your better '09s and '12s earlier than say '10s, but with premox lurking that’s perhaps not a bad thing.

As a generalisation, in Chablis, like in Burgundy generally, I’m finding producer and climat trumps vintage.

Oh and sorry Mark, I don’t know your Chablis and can’t comment.

Cheers, Howard
