Wine Writer Tries Screaming Eagle

…but he did say it was boring.

As you can see my quote never say’s Opus One is a bad wine, I did however take a swipe neener at Sliver Oak. Which when I first got into wine I really enjoyed.

This just in, cult wines are over-priced.

Again I say [stirthepothal.gif] Look at my post I did not say the writer said that, you are assuming I am saying that. It is obviuous his friend did. And again I say he is a Putz in a nice way so you don’t take it the wrong way. But maybe he would have trouble trying to decide in a lineup of Sliver Oak, Opus One and Screaming eagle which is which. I don’t think it would be a problem for me, although it would be nice to try [cheers.gif] Just for the chance to have Screaming Eagle again.

God how I love this place. :slight_smile:

Mega ditto!!!

Just trying to kick the weekend off in the right frame of mind [wow.gif]

Really enjoyed the story, thanks for posting!

There are overpriced wines from everywhere, not just cult Napa cabs. You just get more high fives from the wine elite crowd when you bash cult cabs.

Pretty much all of the wines consumed by people on this board would be considered “over-priced” by thevast majority of the general population out there…

Pretty much all of the wines consumed by people on this board would be considered “over-priced” by thevast majority of the general population out there…[/quote]

I was too quick with my mega ditto. Chris hit the nail on the head.

I avoid these like The Plague. :slight_smile:

[cheers.gif] [welldone.gif] [winner.gif]

What fun is that?

I’ve met Dave on a few occasions and he’s really a nice guy.

I enjoyed the article - thanks for posting.

Nothing earth shattering here - and definitely NOT aimed at the crowd on there. The ‘general public’ probably hears about Screaming Eagle and is curious about what it’s like and whether ‘it’s really worth it!’.

No, this article does not answer the question, and his friend comparing it to Opus and Silver Oak makes sense - to him.


Anyone know how long the wait is for these? I was just going through old emails and realized I signed up for it in 2006, figuring I’d never get an offer.

Dan, soon.

When I mention am building a wine collection the first two wines I always get asked about are Caymus and Silver Oak. How did they build such a strong brand name

That was an entertaining read. We can disagree with their thoughts, but in my opinion, I think his friend was spot on:

As we gathered our coats, I asked my friend whether his extravagance had been worth it. “Absolutely,” he said. “I tasted one of Napa’s most exclusive wines and shared it with friends. What more is there to ask?”

Thanks for posting. Really nice story about sharing the experience with good friends.