Wine pairing question

We have an impromptu dinner invite tonight i am at a losss for artchoke with queso I have a very limited selection of reislings. Any thoughts would be appreciated cellar tracker is Wines from 'Slvrfish' - CellarTracker. Below is the menu and then my initial thoughts.
we will be having artichoke with queso, avocado and grapefruit salad, tenderloin with amaretto pistachio sauce. Cheese and fruit desert.
I was thinking sparkling before a spatlese for the salad, I need to think about the entree probably a syrah with tenderloin then a split of port with cheese and then a BIG Cabernet for after.

Again thank you in advance.

Any gruner Veltliner around? That pairs amazingly well with hard to pair things like artichokes.

A restrained Sauvie Blanc (with no pipi du chat aromas) can work well, too.

Boy I could have sworn I was looking at my cellar. O wait, I was…

Try this one → Cellar Tracker

Just saw this as i need to hit the road soon, so can’t look through all the pages. one of the albarinos could probably sort it out. for dishes like that, i always turn to an orange wine – paolo bea is my go to producer – don’t know if you have anything like that. have a great dinner! [cheers.gif]

Thanks everyone I was going to go with a Albariño but instead I went with a bottle of Saison Dupont that worked great.

bill, for some reason, i never get reply post emailsl anymore, and yes, i check the damn box. who knows. at any rate, great choice! didn’t know you liked beer or i would have gone in that direction too. glad you had a great dinner. [cheers.gif]