Wine pairing for steak with marsala sauce?

A good buddy is preparing steak with sauce marsala next week. I’m a bit stumped on what wine to pair with it. He’d like to try a brunello but I’m just not so sure. It’s the marsala sauce that’s challenging me, not the steak. Any suggestions? (Could use a hand here.)

I should have included the ingredients from Hazan’s book. They are steaks, olive oil, salt, pepper, Marsala wine, red wine, garlic, fennel seeds, diluted tomato paste, hot red chili pepper, parsley.

Well, tell him to cut the hot red chili pepper a bit and you bring 2-3 different wines so you guys can figure out which one pairs the best - FUN! Maybe a brunello, nice northern rhone syrah (cornas or St. Joseph), and a rich cabernet based wine… Make it a taste-off - this is what I’d vote for! CHEERS and have fun.

I would consider an Amarone for this too.

It’s the marsala component that I’m having the greatest challenge with. When I researched this prior to my initial post, I found very little to rely on. It makes me wonder what wines Hazan would suggest.

With Marsala I would do a red with higher acid and some tannin for the fat in the steak…Barbera, Barolo, Valpolicella, or Chianti Riserva/something like Ceparello, Flacianello, Fontalloro.

That’s right where I was too.

Cabernet Franc

… gotta love Hazan’s recipies!!! flirtysmile