Wine - lifetime hobby/passion?

When recently thinking of/discussing some future plans, it was interesting to me to consider that wine is very often a lifetime hobby/passion. I can think of many hobbies I’ve had throughout the years, but few of them I still have, and even fewer I firmly believe I will have when I’m off and retired (should that ever happen). Wine, however, seems like a true lifetime event for most of us - and I find that fascinating.

In the end Wine, Women and Song are all that matters?

It’s because that it is so diverse. It can open so many doors socially and recreationally I can’t imagine why anyone would want to willingly stop.

It’ll be interesting to see if this is just a phase or something I am truly committed to for the long haul. I guess right now it’s easy because I don’t have a family to worry about and I can allocate whatever amount of money I’d like to purchasing wine. But if/when the day comes when I’m planning for college tuitions, everyday kid expenses, and all those other things that make me cringe, who knows if I’ll still be as focused on wine. Although I might need the wine to get through the day.

Fortunately you don’t have to worry about the costs of children as of yet, bud. Enjoy it while you can, as they are EXPENSIVE!! (I bet even Bill Klapp didn’t consider how quickly having a child can plow through a million dollars!) [snort.gif]

Call it what you will, “hobby” or “passion” or something else, but for me, it’s really quite simple: lifestyle. And I do not mention it any pretentious sense of the word. I think most of you that have read any posts of mine know that I drink many sub-$20 bottles of wine that are just simply good quality, honestly-prepared liquids to pair with meals. Heck, I just ordered more 2011 Domaine Guion, ironically called “Cuvee Prestige,” for all of $13.99 per bottle. My father introduced me and my sister to wine as teenagers. As a family we always had wine at the dinner table, no different that the veggies, a simply complement to the overall meal. My father liked the simple table wines, but also deeply appreciated world-class wine. He introduced me to both. Our family gatherings now - gracefully my parents are alive, extremely healthy and very cool to hang out with - continue to involve wine starting with lunch, afternoon totties to long dinners with a range of wines leading to desert. I deeply value what my family exposed me to, but more importantly, making me understand that every experience is better with friends and family. Wine is my lifestyle.

Good prices, Robert. Makes sense to me. However Todd called me a not nice name last night, and I might have to add it to my signature. “Label Whore”. You cut me deep, Todd. You cut me deep.

I’m young (28), but I can’t see myself ever dropping my two hobbies: book collecting and wine. I think what is so appealing about both is a) the treasure hunt aspect b) the constant stream of learning and c) they’re both so enjoyable even if you remove a and b.


This! [thumbs-up.gif]

Very well said, and it seems to be true of the wine lovers I hang with as well.

Wine is my only hobby that makes me face my mortality.

I collect JRR Tolkien books and I go through phases with that. Wine is pretty constant for me.

I totally agree that the thrill of the hunt is a big part of both for me.

The only thing that will derail/slow this hobby/passion will be health issues and aging.

I am also probably younger than average posters here (28), but I firmly believe my wine hobby will last throughout my life, although probably with varying degree of intensity as other priorities arise/fade.

I have this nagging feeling I won’t be collecting wine in about 5-10 years, based solely on the fact that I haven’t really had any hobbies that have lasted more than a decade.

I figure within ten years I can give up collecting as I will have reached my 10,000 bottle limit.

I’m sure the relatively new Mrs. Fu would have loved to have known that prior to getting hitched. [pwn.gif]

she was the reason I got into wine, so she knew what she was getting into [snort.gif]

I don’t know if you’re being serious or not with that post, but it seems like an interesting way of going about it. Why the “limit” of 10,000? And why only the next 10 years? Just curious because I feel like I have no plan for my wine collection.