Wine detox starts tomorrow

I need some help. I’m going two weeks, starting tomorrow with no alcohol. Nothing. No wine, no bourbon, no 'tinis no nothing. It’s a cleanse and a weight loss thing.

I may need some support.

This is near and dear to me right now. I am 5 days into a 3 week hiatus before we leave for vacation. Partly for weight loss, partly for a cleanse. It is harder than I thought it would be. Every night around dinner time I start thinking about wine and what I would choose to pair with dinner if drinking. Dare I say, I’m craving a glass of wine. I initially told myself it’s like the beginning of a diet; cravings are expected. Now I’m not so sure. I find myself thinking about wine a lot. Reading a wine board doesn’t help either! [wow.gif] The cravings do seem to be less each day, but it’s taught me I should be taking “time outs” from drinking more often. Good luck to you!

Dale … turn the damn computer off … [cheers.gif]

Don’t even get me started about my internet addiction!

My birthday is in January. No freaking way will I skip wine this month. July or August maybe.

Thanks Dale. I’m going to see how this goes. I don’t like when I can’t remember the last time I didn’t drink. There needs to be some space. Plus, it’ll save money, even if only on daily drinkers.

It’s not as hard as you think. Sure, the first week is probably the hardest but after that it’s not too bad. I’m in week 10 right now except for my birthday weekend a few weeks ago. I still attend our groups biweekly tasting but just spit everything.

Good luck!

going to Bern’s Friday…

FWIW, February is the shortest month. [stirthepothal.gif]

You can do it.
Just take it day to day, pay less attention to the total time.
And don’t forget, just because you aren’t drinking doesn’t mean you have to stop buying!! [wow.gif] [cheers.gif]

In fact after reading your thread, I think I am going to do a similar thing, but more of a reduction of total wine consumption.
Would be tough to go long periods without wine this month since I have an anniversary and birthday this month… champagne.gif

Had two weeks off in november as i was on some antibiotics which required no alcohol. The first few days was difficult, but actually after that it became easy, and i did feel like it cleansed my system. I drank a lot of white and green tea instead. I plan to do that a few times during this year to limit my comsumption and keep the weight in check

Super Bowl.

Tyler, what’s the motivation behind your fast? 10 weeks is a serious lenght of time. I think my crutch, Mattias, will be water with lemon.

…Starts tomorrow. Always tomorrow.

Clean out the system and drop some lbs. I figured around the holidays would be pretty tough and I wanted to see if I could actually do it.

Here’s a trick that can really help, based on behavioral science. Get yourself a nice wine stem (the kind you normally drink from), fill it with sparkling water or La Croix (or regular water if you must, but I find sparkling works best). Keep it with you and swirl and drink…It doesn’t sound appealing, but you’ll be surprised…your brain has learned to associate that activity of swirilng and drinking with the enjoyment you normally get from alcohol.

Your brain forms powerful associations between the pleasure you get from a substance and your physical rituals that generally accompany that pleasure (in this case holding a stem and swirling and sipping).

Interesting John. Certainly nothing to lose.

Add some orange and angostura bitters and a slice of orange and it’s very easy to believe you’re enjoying a delicious aperitif.

I found myself routinely pulling a cork as soon as I got home from work–even if it was only 5:30 and it was still 2 hours or more until dinner. This led to too much consumption on a nightly basis (in terms of calories, expense AND alcohol consumption) as I could easily be 2/3 or 3/4 through a bottle (and 500+ calories) by the time dinner was even on the table. I read about the sparkling-water-in-a-wineglass trick sometimes used by people trying to quit drinking altogether, and found that it helped me feel satisfied (and allows me to consistently postpone my first glass until about 20 mins before dinnertime).

Another interesting twist tom. And I have both of those on hand.