Wine delivery question

FedEx was supposed to deliver my order from de la Cote to our FedEx Kniko’s office today and they did not. I went to the office 2x and they did not have the wine. They instead gave me the address to the warehouse. When I got to the warehouse, they were already closed. I was told by one of the drivers I saw coming out that they will delivered on Monday instead.
The temperature today was a high of 77. Tomorrow will be 72 and 67 on Monday.
I am concerned that the wine will be spoiled by Monday….
Any thoughts on what my options are? Are these usually insured and will de la cote refund me or replace the wine?
Thank you.

You will be completely fine at the temps you mention. Wouldn’t sweat if for a sec (even though sweating this stuff is what we do!)



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if it was 70s celsius you should be concerned, but I’m assuming you’re using fahrenheit

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Yup, Fahrenheit :grin: It was sunny today. At what temps should we really be concerned? Thanks

in all likelihood it’s inside a temperature controlled building if they wanted you to pick it up on site

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It’s not sitting in a truck outside. It likely never got loaded on a truck which is why it wasn’t delivered.

Why did you go to the store? Just follow the tracking on line.

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This. Living in Florida, I dream of those shipping conditions.

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Online tracking said it was on FedEx vehicle for delivery. That was the reason why I went to the hold location 20mins before they closed since I thought the delivery guy would leave it at the location at the end of the day. So it might still be in the delivery van….

I personally wouldn’t worry one bit at those temps, but to answer the question, I also wouldn’t ask for a refund nor expect one in this situation.

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You cool

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Last I checked (a year ago), FedEx had 3 incompatible tracking systems. I’m seeing the same BS with other industries’ tech updates. When they move to a new system, they don’t bother keeping the older ones up to date and accurate, but since people still use them, they can’t take them offline, either. With FedEx that means the online system and their text notifications are not reliable, sometimes giving false information. I had it happen with wine and they were sending automated warnings about delivery attempts having been made. Obviously false. Also, through those two services it’s impossible to reach customer service. Sign up for the phone app and you get accurate info and easy access to customer service. But, since they don’t tell you, you’re own your own to maybe figure that out after getting some really shitty service and wasting a lot of time and so forth.

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