Wine and weight gain.

I’d rather give up cab than broccoli.

For me, wine doesn’t seem to make a whit of difference where weight gain is concerned. Key for me is

a)Only drink wine with dinner (hence no chance to snack. It also slows dinner down, so I eat less overall.) And
b)6-8oz max of wine on any given occasion.

Forgoing a few squares of chocolate after dinner is a much more effective way for me to trim back a little when I need to.

I drink wine while cutting weight and have never had an issue. I find it advantageous, as for me, it helps quell hunger.

Everyone is different…I can cut weight with wine and whiskey (but not beer) but it requires discipline not getting into the delicious carbs after a few delicious beverages! Your mileage may vary.

On a thread about weight loss. How very strange. Very strange indeed. :astonished:

Touchy subject, Bruce?

Y’all need to learn to run while swirling your glasses, newbs


In my opinion there are many other things you could drink other than wine that will do much more harm in terms of gaining weight.

I think what you eat is much more important than how much exercise you do.

High carb low fat plant based diet drinking all the sweet German wine and eating all the carbs I want. Dropped ten kg slowly over 2 years and I’ve never been fitter.


Every few weeks there is a new WB thread with everyone proclaiming how perfectly they eat, how much they exercise, and how much weight they’ve lost.

“I’m having no more than 750 calories a day of mostly sprouted heirloom grains, organic acai berries, raw pine nuts and free range tofu, then I do 2-3 hours per day divided between the lap pool, Interval training and hot yoga, and I’ve lost 27 pounds since January 1st. I do allow myself a square of dark chocolate on Thursdays, though.”

Then, I go to gatherings of WBers and look around . . .

Well, going from 300 to 273 is still an accomplishment!

Maybe the olive oil, canned tuna or canned sardines helped with your diet.(?)

We give wine advice all day and nobody complains.


I exercise nothing per week. I live a very senditary life. My weight has not changed by more than 2 pounds up or down in the past six years. I am 5 foot 9 inches and weigh 180 lbs. I have a blood pressure that is text book average. I have a pulse of 65. I drink about 2.5 bottles per week. I drink a lot of coffee, too. I do not drink any sugar-filled sodas. I drink a green smoothie for breakfast. I do not eat lunch. I eat a square meal for dinner.

My point is to not blame wine for weight gain. I is part of my diet and I count for it.

I have no idea of the science behind it but every time I’ve been on any kind of a serious diet I’ve found that consuming alcohol stops the weight loss in its tracks for 3-4 days. I don’t know if it takes the body 3-4 days to burn that alcohol first, or if there are other things at play… I just know it always happens.

Peter, guess it depends on how much you consume.