Wind Gap-New Release

Just got the release email for Wind Gap’s 2 January wines (to be followed by additional releases in Feb and March per Pax’s email a couple weeks back). These are a 2009 Woodruff Vineyard Pinot Noir ($50) and a 2009 Windsor Oaks Pinot Gris ($32).

1)Has anyone tasted these and have comments? I’m intrigued by what pax has been doing with his whites, and he promises this one to be “most likely our most controversial yet”.

2)What does anyone think about this new system of releasing 2 or 3 wines per month over 3 consecutive months? There is no mention of holding to consolidate for shipping costs, which I’m sure would be a nightmare for them. But that’s a consideration for me, as I’d probably like to have a few of each across these 3 releases, but am a bit hesitant to pay higher shipping caused by 3 small (versus one larger) order.

Anyone know anything about the Woodruff vineyard? I know it’s Santa Cruz mountains AVA, and Pax’s version is low on the alcohol (12.5%) a la recent vintages of Rhys, and that Big Basin has made a “bigger” styled wine from there in the past, but that’s about it. Wiki states it’s owned by Peter and Barbara Woodruff, was planted in 1978, is located about 5 miles west of Monterey Bay, and 2 miles from Windy Oaks. Just curious what to expect from wines from here, as I am tempted to pull the trigger, but $50 is pushing my limit for a wine I’m unfamiliar with.


Wine Gap-New Release

Is the subject line different than the one you’re asking about neener

I am going to be tasting some of their wines late this afternoon but not sure which ones.

All better now. Still took me 4 reads to even realize what was wrong, how sad!

I’ll be really curious to know what you’re tasting. Since there are another 5 +/- coming in the next months, could be you’re getting some advance preview of the new stuff. After all, we want to keep you guys on the cutting edge! [worship.gif]

I could see it being north, south or east of Monterey Bay, but west? Damn, it’s wet there.

I tasted both in barrel and thought they were outstanding.

That terroir gives the wines a briny component.

Wouldn’t that be merroir?

Strange, yes, but accurate. If it’s in wiki, it must be true!

The Woodruff Vineyard is located on the very edge of the Santa Cruz Mountains AVA, in Corralitos near Watsonville. It is around 5 miles west of Monterey Bay, and is about 2 miles from Windy Oaks.

I know, Scott. I looked it up on wiki before I posted. To wiki, I say, “I dun thin so, Luuucy.”

If you send Dave a note - he’ll fix the wiki, or you can sign up and fix it yourself, I know he’s been very busy with his day job lately. Otherwise the wiki is accurate.

I like the staggered release from a credit card cycle point of view; I bought one of each, but probably wouldn’t have if they were bundled with a bunch of other wines. And they have a bunch! I like to dabble and this format keeps me dabbling instead of making choices amongst their lineup.

I’ve not had a WG Pinot yet, so this 09 Woodruff, advertised as more accessible than the supposedly lean 08, is going to be a big test bottle. I did buy the 08, intending to test it against the Big Basin, but choices still need to be made, and this accelerates the evaluation. $50 and I don’t really need more Pinot so the bar is high. I am looking forward to having a good reason to drink this in 2011.

I was going to stop buying the Gris, but more ooph to the wine + risotto sounded quite nice.

I checked “pick up at the winery” but have no intention of doing so until I have bought other wines this spring. If that messes them up, we’ll have a problem, but if that’s what they were expecting, then great.

Bring on the Syrah. [cheers.gif]

I fixed it.