Who is drinking yerba mate on this board?

Just wondered what brands you like, if you don’t know about yerba mate, it is from South America a tea that is like green tea only I like it better. So far I prefer the toasted brand Mate Leao from Brazil, I don’t like the green versions. Anyone else drinking this tea, and if so which ones do you like. Thanks in advance.

My wife just switched from coffee to Yerba Mate, I’ll ask her what she digs…

Mike, where do you source yours from?

I’ve loved the stuff for years and a good amount of caffeine.

Like Rooibos, I haven’t found many brands of Yerba Matte that I like. I do like the Guyaki organic brand though and it’s widely available.

Joe, my wife found a Brazilian website and bought some, its good.I prefer the toasted variety more then the green so far, but the green variety is acceptable.

You guys going all in and using one of these?

Hi Roberto,

No I haven’t gotten one yet, if you use one it is a hassle to clean? I just use my coffee maker and I know that goes around this custom:)…but makes enough Mate to get me through the day.

I think it’s like a bong, you just let the resin build up!

I drink a lot of matte in Brasil but it’s mostly either in cold smoothies with berries made fresh at juice bars or this which I am addicted to:

I like the stuff too. I brought back some of the cups along with the straws the last time I was in Argentina. Even after seasoning the cups, I’ve still ended up with a black stain on the inside that looks more like mold than resin. These are the traditional wood cups. Is that normal?

I get mine from a fellow wine freak at http://www.brownteacup.com. I prefer the traditional yerba mate. He also has a good selection of loose leaf tea.


PS - owner is a port freak if you are in NYC…

Have many not heard of this (Yerba Mate)? Seems everyones drinking green tea for its health benefits but Yerba tastes better and has more benefits…

I tried it first when I was in Buenos Aires, now I drink it instead of coffee. I buy Guyaki from Whole Foods and mix it was a good green tea. Love the stuff.

Which one do you think tastes better, green tea or yerba mate?

I like green tea better, yerba mate has a real earthy flavor that is somewhat aquired. I have made ours with a french press

That’s what I hear and read, I think the toasted version is much better, but still the green yerba mate tastes better to me then the green tea that I have had.

I like the taste of both. I also add Tulsi which is super healthy.