White Burgundy - "Les Demoiselles" question

Feel free to correct me if I am wrong but my understanding is this is a small area in Chevalier Montrachet which extends into Puligny Montrachet. Therefore, there are both Grand Cru and Premier Cru wines. Technically I believe one would call this a Lieu-dit. Besides Louis Latour and Louis Jadot who else produces wines from this area? What is the general quality of these wines and how do they compare to other producers in Chevalier Montrachet? (or Puligny Montrachet).

Thanks in advance for any information.

I think Jadot and L Latour are the only producers of the Chevy. I havenā€™t had many of the L Latour, but the Jadot Demoiselles is considered superior to the regular Chevy. I believe the PM Demoiselles 1er cru is a very small plot in the Caillerets vineyardā€¦Iā€™ve never had it, but love the Caillerets, which sits next to Montrachet and below Chevalier. I walked the vineyard this winter and the slope, elevation, soil, etc, is very similar to Montrachetā€¦and a lot less expensive :slight_smile:


Amiot and Colin-Deleger have/had make PM 1er Demoisselles.

wine-searcher.com has an explanation of sorts here:


From Jasper Morrisā€™ Inside Burgundy,

"In addition to the main rectangular block of 6ha11a80ca lying directly above the Puligny section of Montrachet (wich was never in dispute of the appellation), a further 1ha2a70ca that lies in Le Cailleret was claimed as Chevalier-Montrachet by the houses of Louis Latour and Louis Jadot. They added the soubriquet of Les Demoiselles, in honour of 19th-century proprietors Miles Adele and Julie Voillot. Despite opposition from Joseph Leflaive they carried the day.

And, interestingly,
ā€œIn 1955 Domaine Chartron applied for a further small section of Le Cailleret to be upgraded to Chevalier-Montrachet, though when it replanted this vineyard it brought in topsoild from other unplanted sections of Cailleret. Eventually in 1974 the upgrading of 25a23ca was granted, although the parts of Cailleret denuded of soil were removed from any appellationā€“which explains why on the mapā€¦there is a little gap between the two shaded blocks of Chevalier above Cailleretā€.

The comprehensive but readable style of J. Morris is impressive.





Thanks for that quote about the ā€œlittle gapā€ in Chevalier that is just ā€œvillage levelā€. I hadnā€™t noticed that on the map before!

I guess, from the comments here and the maps I look at (none of which show the area known as Les Demoiselles btw), that the northern part of Chevalier was part of Demoiselles, was included in Chevalier, and is grand cru. The part below, in Le Cailleret, is premier cru.

Jack - all of Chevalier is in Puligny as far as I can tell. Montrachet and Batard nearby extend into Chassagne.

i believe ā€œles demoisellesā€ lies between Montrachet and Le Cailleret not in Chevelier Montrachet


So if I understood correctly, the lieu-dit Les Demoiselles lies in 3 levels of AC - gr-cru, 1er cru and village. champagne.gif

Paulā€¦nice to see your post here ! [cheers.gif]

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Puligny Montrachet Les Demoiselles 1er cru lies between Montrachet and Puligny Montrachet Cailleret. It is a 1er cru vineyard in Puligny.

Chevalier Montrachet "Les Demoiselles"is a small parcel of Chevalier that Louis Latour and Jadot exploit. It is a climat within Chevalier Montrachet. It is a climat since it is a named vineyard site in a Grand Cru. If it was a named vineyard somewhere else than a Grand Cru (and not designated premier cru), it would be a lieu-dit.

I am not sure that little village portion can be named Puligny-Montrachet Les Demoiselles. Correct me please if I am wrong.


Winehog has an article that explains the relationship between the Grand Cru and the Premier Cru "Les-Demoiselles.

Most of the article is behind the paywall, but you can see a map showing a red line that separates the Puligny-Montrachet 1er crus Les Demoiselles and Le Caillerets

No, the little gap in Chevalier Demoiselles wasnā€™t planted for generations because it was a large murger - so wasnā€™t in the AOC. Jadot and Latour who shared the ā€˜murgerā€™ cleared the site and broke up the ground - there was virtually no soil below the murger so you can see itā€™s much rockier than the rest of Demoiselles - this work was done in ~2013 and vines were planted. There are only a couple of barrels for each producer and it is Vin de France at this time - despite sitting in a modest gap with grand cru vines on both sides. Itā€™s not commercial chez Jadot - ie they donā€™t sell it. That may be the case also for Louis Latourā€¦

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***I am not sure that little village portion can be named Puligny-Montrachet Les Demoiselles. Correct me please if I am wrong ****.

Here is my understanding of the AC laws which also governs the system in labeling your bottle of wine.

In the AC village ( or AOC village) you are allowed to print the lieu-dit name on your Label.

Here is am example :

Des Croix produced a village wine in Aloxe-Corton from the lieu-dit : Les Boutieresā€¦so legally the label could be : **Des Croix -A-C Les Boutieres **

To answer your question, I would guess yes.
Here is the reason for my guess . There is a lieu-dit : Les Demoiselles. If the juice of the wine is from vines in the section classified in the AC G.Cru Chevelierā€¦then it is a g-cru.

The port ( 0.06 ha ) - from the Lieu-dit Les Demoiselles - lies in the Puligny-Montrachet 1er cru section -could be legally labeled as : Puligny-Montracht 1er cru - Les Demoiselles Controlle.

The small gap - from the lieu-dit Les Demoiselles - lies in village section - could be legally labeled as : Puligny-Montracht - Les Demoiselles Controlle- without the notion : 1er cru.

Here is an examples :

There is a lieu-dit : La Combe dOrveau. This vineyard lies - with a portion which is higher in altitude - in AC Musigny - which is a grand-cru.

This vineyard lies - with a portion which is middle in altitude - in the AC Chambollt-Musigny 1er cru Section ā€¦could be legally labeled as : Chambolle-Musigny 1er cru - La Combe dOrveau Controlle.

This vineyard lies ( with a portion - which lower in altitude - ) in the AC Chambollt-Musigny ( village ) Section ā€¦could be legally labeled as : Chambolle-Musigny - La Combe dOrveau Controlle - without the notion of 1er cru.


We are fixing this next time we get together. Hopefully soon mon ami.



Latour should give Jadot their section of Chevy Demoiselles. What a waste of great terroir in Latourā€™s hands.

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Both Jadot and Latour Demoiselles were the best whites I tasted in 2018 - better than all the Montrachetsā€¦

good to hear. With price bumps and underwhelming prior Latour tastes, Iā€™ve not continued the painful comparison.

Bill - interest commentsā€¦ champagne.gif

Due to easy availability in Montreal, Canada - the 2 Louis were my go-to white producers some years ago.

I got really burnt by Louis Jadot CC in vintage 1997 ( multiple bs ) and 1998 ( also multiple bs ) - due to premox. I stopped buying Jadotā€™s whoites completely since vintage 2002.

I stay with the (other) Louis - Latour - including his Chevy-Demoiselles and C.C.( also domaine 9.65 ha ) as they developed very well and got into with nuttiness taste after long long bottle-aging. I still have 1 bottle L.Latour - Les Demoiselles 2000 left in my cellar (10225861 $ 286-$210 -$189 8-7=1)

That being said, Louis Latourā€™s red is completely another story as its style is hard to be liked, despite the basic fact ā€¦different stroke for different folk. [swoon.gif]

Reds, itā€™s hard to argue with you Peter. In my experience they taste as good as anybodys before bottling but afterwards they tighten, showing anywhere between average and pretty charmless, and they take an age to reopen - pasteurisation? Who knows, but itā€™s an easy target! I do know that every older (20+) bottle Iā€™ve tasted has been excellent with no spoilage of any kind, save the odd cork-ruined bottle.

Billā€¦yes, pasteurization to 70C for 3 seconds. Louis Latour has been there for many generations. I was given to understand that they have their devoted followers mostly in France and in the trade. So far there is no plan to change.

I agree with you that their whites and reds will transform into something wonderful with long, long bottle-age. IMVā€¦it is a different way for enjoyment and also for understanding how burgundy works. pileon

sounds like such a brief time but 70C is 158F and how long does it take to get to that temp and how long does it take to cool to 56 and, the most important question, why? Bacterial spoilage doesnā€™t occur that often so why is it beneficial and necessary? Itā€™s a ridiculous hold on tradition that, in my opinion, shows the lack of forward thinking and progress of the domaine. I avoid Latour.

I am just repeating from the book : The grate Domaines of Burgundy - 3rd Edition by Remington Norman page 150.This practice instigated at the end of 19th centenary by Louis IIIā€¦etcā€¦etcā€¦etcā€¦

One of the reasons that I buy few bottles of his wine and keep them in my cellar for years and yearsā€¦without touching them. Louis Latour is one of the real traditional house.

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