Which 2005 to open?

Going to be opening a 2005 for our anniversary. Yes, I know they are all to young, but what is drinking the best with some decant time?

Monte Bello
Malescot St. Exupery
Leoville Barton

I’d go with the PC.

I’d say Malescot. And I say that with all the conviction that total ignorance can provide. I own the 3 bdx but have not opened any of them.

E) None of the Above

Seriously though, all will be babies, if you have a big steak waiting that can put those tannins to work then they should all be nice!

Like Neal, I’ve not tried the wines in question, but based on other 2005 Bordeaux and the general approachability of these estates:

Monte Bello or Malescot first…

L. Barton, dead last.

PC is shut down in 2 bottles ive had recently.

The barton should be buried and lost for 15 more years.

Go with monte bello and report back.

Go west young man.

Get a bottle of 2005 from some other place…something that might be ready. Germany, Spain, Washington…

Tried an 05 MB last week. It was delicious overall but the wood was quite evident, only fading a bit after an hour with air. No plans to try another for at least another 5-10 years.

Went with the Pontet-Canet. Gave it a hour or so of air and it was opening up and in a good place.