How does wine fit into your (non wine-related) vacations?
- Vacation for me means time to open more bottles and to spend more time enjoying them than normal
- I drink wine in about the same amount and frequency on vacation as compared to normal
- I still enjoy wine on vacation, but in lesser amounts than I enjoy normally
- I mostly take a break from wine when I’m on vacation and focus on other things and other beverages
- I would like to have as much or more wine as normal on vacation, but because of the hassle or cost of having good wine and stemware on vacation, or because of my opinions about things like travel shock or enjoying wines in different weather, I usually do not have it as much
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When you travel on vacations that are not wine-related (e.g. excluding your vacations to Burgundy, Napa, Piemonte, or your vacations that are to attend wine events), what role does wine play in it?
For me, I bring wine almost everywhere I go, usually using my trusty Wine Check. Part of what I look forward to on vacation is more wine, and more time to relax and enjoy good wine. I took the family to Cabo last week for spring break, and we brought a case of wine in the Wine Check. I love sitting on the patio of our hotel room in the early evening, watching the waves crash, enjoying a great bottle, then having a good bottle to bring to dinner (every restaurant we went to was cool about bringing wine - some had $15-25 corkage, some had corkage but waived it, some had no charge - I’m not really much concerned with saving money or not, but mostly just happy to be drinking wines that I love with my dinner).
We also bring some good-but-not-exceptional glasses along, which is a bit of a hassle, but worth doing, since drinking good wines out of crappy hotel or condo wine glasses is kind of a downer.
I have 100% confidence for myself after many years of doing this on almost every trip that “travel shock” is a complete non-issue in this context, other than that I wouldn’t bring an old Barolo or something like that along because the fine sediment would get too stirred up. But I know others perceive it differently.
Anyway, I often read on here that people like to use vacations to get away from wine, or to drink margaritas and pina coladas, and so forth, or that they don’t want to be bothered having to travel with and/or source good wines. So I’m curious to see how it breaks down, especially with summer vacation season on the horizon. Answer the poll, but better still please elaborate in explanation. No right or wrong answers, but I’m just interested to share some thoughts and perspectives on it.