What's Your Attitude Toward Buying White Burgs These Days?

What Describes Your Attitude Towards Buying White Burgs best?

  • 1. Stopped buying white Burgs completely
  • 2. I’ve cut back at least 50% from what I used to buy
  • 3. I still buy but I’m drinking them way younger
  • 4. No worries, I’m buying like I always have and not rushing to drink them
  • 5. N/A see my comments
  • 6. I don’t get white Burgs
  • 7. I only buy CA Chards
  • 8. I only buy Macon these days
  • 9. I only buy Riesling & Chenin
  • 10. I don’t drink whites

0 voters

I’ve been slow to react to the premox thing but I’m slowing down on my white Burg buying and concentrating more on my drinking what I own. That said, I just bought 3 btls of the '09 Francios Carillon Puligny Montrachet Referts today. I’ve had pretty good luck with Carillon, Dauvissat, Bouchard and Henri Boillot. Not such good luck with Fevre 1er Cru & GC Chablis and Pierre Matrot Meuraults. Drinking a great Domain Thomas St Veran tonight from Envoyer. We eat a lot of fish.

How about you?

Morning all,

I have an allocation of Roulot Meursault that I buy direct every year. I’ve had venerable bottles of Roulot that have been fresh as a daisy and the young wines I’ve popped are clearly made in a reductive style so I feel safe buying them. Apart from that I only buy Chablis which I try to drink within 5-7 years (unless I’m feeling optimistic/forgetful).

I used to buy loads of other producers but after so many shagged out and generally spent bottles I have diverted the sponds into buying reds. My remaining stash of older white Burgundies will be popped at occasions at which I have a backup to hand. My only white purchases for hiding in the cellar will be German Riesling and fizz.


Much the same as David, the only whites I cellar now are Riesling and Champagne and one or two Burgs, though the Burgs are drunk much younger than the Rieslings… Cheeers Mike

Won’t buy. Not one. I do like some young, but the ones I like young are 1er cru wines that edge toward $100 and over. And, unless I really make it a point to drink them within 4-5 years, I have a ticking time bomb in my cellar. Plus, frankly, they stuck me with thousands of dollars of wine some undetermined part of which is ruined. In order to not let other bottles go bad, I have to drink them far younger than I should be opening them, robbing me of the experience of great wines at peak. And I should give these people more of my money?

I only buy the occasional Grand Cru (and nothing too pricey) and buy a decent amount of 1er cru but drink them earlier than I otherwise would. I’m still in love with the acid in White Burgs (as compared to the New World), so I wouldn’t completely pull the plug.

cut wayyyyy back and drink lots younger.

I’m buying some, but none meant for the long haul… Premier crus and village.

Purchases are down around 80%.

Can’t remember the last more than $30 White Burg I put in the cellar. Went from being a 2-3 case/year purchaser of Leflaive to zero. I still by Pernot when I happen upon it as I never had one bottle do me wrong. Stuff I have bought I tend to drink up. Plowing through some Guyon '07s which I am enjoying but it also irritates me that I feel the need to consume 3 year old Corton Chuck. I do still give stuff in restaurants a go since that can be sent back if it has turned. In short I am probably down 90 percent and my Leflaive stash irritates me.

Pernot, Ramonet, Dauvissaut and Niellon are what i buy.

Leflaive but for youthful consumption.

Anything else is village level for early term…

Option 5…

Selective producers only…

Buying what I can arms and legs. I have yet to experience a premox’ed white burg. We’re in the US so it’s panic panic and drama drama and latest headline and breaking news. Blown out of proportion I’d say. Every TN on a white burg over here starts with ‘not premox’ed (much to my surprise)…’ almost. Nah, it’s not that big of a problem at all.

Bullshit. I’ve had about a 30% rate and if you think everyone who’s reported premox is lying, you’re an idiot. I’m glad you’ve had no issues. Some of us aren’t so fortunate.

Leave the keyboard commando attitude at home!

Yes Sir! Oh, wait…

No, Andrew. Sorry. If Peter had merely stated he’d not seen any premox and was thus buying heavily, eh, whatever. But the dismissive attitude toward many of us with deep experience who’ve had significant issues with premox pushed it beyond that and well into the realm of bullshit. I’ve lost perhaps $10k worth of wine to this. So, yeah, Peter’s full of it when he says it’s not an issue. Sorry if that bothers you.

Macon is where it’s at. Thanks for having that as an option, even if I’m the only one who has taken it.

So with Rick on this one. Had a gorgeous 2004 Lafon Meursault Clos de la Barre tonight courtesy of a friend and it was stunning juice. The problem is it’s $100+ and while Lafon may or may not have premox issues, I’m not paying $100+ to find out that it’s shot in five years.

It could be my imagination but I think the demand has slowed and you’re seeing better prices and stuff not moving as quickly as a result. WBs have never been as hot as the reds but the market for them seems softer than ever. My local retailer just started stocking some Ramonet for the first time. I’m assuming it wasn’t available here untill recently.

I’ve been drinking a lot more them over the past 3yrs. Tonight we had a stunning $17 St Veran from Domain Thomas imported by Envoyer.

how much white Burgundy do you drink? And from whom and at what age? I’ve been heavy into white Burgundy since the 89 vintage. For example, I bought 50 cases of various 1996 white Burgs, mostly grand cru–many of which premoxed. Many, many bottles from 95 on have been premoxed (Pernot, Ramonet, Droin, Sauzet, Colin-Deleger, to name a few). It astounds me that someone could be into white Burgs and have never had a premoxed one. Go buy some Lotto tickets!

Sorry. I have a total disconnect with anyone who says they drink white burg and have never had a premoxed wine. Someone should find out where you live and bring a box of Colin-Deleger from 1996, or some 2002 Fevre Clos and see where the truth lies. I hate to say that whenever this comes up, I suspect a palate issue, but I don’t know you Peter, so perhpas you’ve just had amazingly increadible luck, or drink your wines young.