what to choose from the winelist...


will be dining with my wife Wednesday in a nice place with a large selection of top wines at fair prices

Have shortlisted some, what would you choose? We will probably only have one bottle :slight_smile: and maybe you have had one of the wines before?

Leroy Beaune Sizies 1985 - 180 euro
Nuits-St-Georges 1er Cru Les Boudot 1990 Grivot - 120 euro
Romanée-St Vivant Grand Cru DRC 1988 - 1000 euro
Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru Prieure Roch 1993 - 280 euro
Mission Haut Brion 1978 - 350 euro
Trotanoy 1997 - 140 euro
Le Pin pomerol 1995 - 900 euro
Cheval Blanc 1995 - 400 euro

was probably not thinking about spending in the ~1000 euro range - but both DRC and Pin seams like a deal, but only if they are also great wines…

I’ve had that exact Grivot bottling. It was shot years ago. Maybe better handling being in Europe than here but I would still go other places than there with your money.

Probably the LMHB.

Big +1 (from someone who lives and works in Burgundy)

food chosen was more hinting at Burgundy :slight_smile:

so, I asked for the Leroy Sizies 1985 - but actually last bottle was gone…

But sommelier advised the Prieure Roch CdV 1993 - and as I had shortlisted it, I went with this one :slight_smile:

pure silk, the nose was pure magic, umami and strawberries :slight_smile: 100p - the taste was so elegante, first impression very light, but lenght and intensity building up. Just so satisfying and yummy. Final score is 96p.

as an afterdrink we had Trotanoy 1997. Fully mature, with a great balance of fruit and maturity - but not at the level of the CdV. 93p :slight_smile:

I recently had the 1997 Clos de Beze from Prieure Roch and it was a WOW wine. Happy to hear that the 93 showed great.

Nice! Rare find with the Beze

I do not have a lot of experience with Roch, only young wines. This had extra dimensions.

Jumped out at me too

well, today at another nice hotel in Sweden - there was also a few gems on the wine list. Picked Robert Arnoux Clos de Vougeot 1976 at 200 euro

amazing complex and mesmerizing nose, followed up by a velvet like taste, first soft, but then building up in power, delivering layers of red mature fruit notes with depth and complexity. 97p

best ever 1976 (my year) wine I have had - including all 1 growths in bordeaux and different burgundies. wow [cheers.gif]

make photo higher resolution

Very nice!

Sounds like it was made for you!

Congratulations! I am happy for you.

Henry-Frédéric Roch died just a couple of years ago, and at a rather young age; in addition to running Prieure Roche, he was also a co-director of DRC with Aubert de Villaine.

Bottles of DRC always carried his & Villaine’s signatures:

It looks like Prieure Roche was founded in 1988*, so 1993 would have been Henry-Frédéric’s fifth or sixth vintage.

*There’s a video at that link, with subtitles:

Accueil - Domaine Prieuré Roch

At first, like everyone,
we managed using what is called…
“la lutte raisonnée”,
or “the reasoned struggle”.

But very quickly we tried to think of
other techniques,
because of its limits,
even if it is a kind of organic farming.

Among other problems
was “apoplexy”,
it’s when vineyards
seem to die for no reason,
this along with degenerative diseases,
which became more and more obvious,
even among mature vines.

Soil characteristics
would become totally disrupted,
and obviously needed treatment…
to try to help remedy the situation,
to be more precise.

All of this meant
we were looking for alternatives.

Others had already begun
to explore alternatives,
although rarely among the grand crus.

A bit but rarely.

As soon as we could we began
using organic farming techniques.
We got into it quickly.
We’ve actually been rather satisfied,
although we had decreases in yields.

Certainly for a few years,
the vineyard tried to understand us…
and we tried
to understand the vineyard,
but quickly enough
things became stable,
without tremendous fluctuations…
meaning we had much lower highs…
but also fairly stable minimums.

Especially in the very old vineyards,
with the over 35 year-old vines…
began to flourish quite well.

No doubt thanks to their root systems,
This meant the behavior of the vines
was expressed more reliably,
was more sustainable.

not always—and before this, Madame Leroy, till she was ousted for dumping 88 DRC on the market and founding Domaine Leroy.

thanks for the facts on Roch & DRC - do not see this domaine often, but would love to. High on elegance

Newer been low cost, but recent years price hikes makes it not so relevant for me in recent vintages

Love restaurants that have deep old cellars that do not update pricing…

Sorry to hear this, as I still have a couple of bottles. Where did yours come from?

Apparently Henri-Frédéric’s cousin was chosen to replace him as Co-Director of DRC:

But I imagine it might be another year or two before any bottles of DRC with her signature make their way to the United States.