Which Riesling are you drinking?

It’s a textural sensation rather than a lactic taste. I experience it often when drinking high quality trocken.


The only way I would associate creamy with blandness is if the rest of the wine was bland.

This is the difficulty of tasting notes. We use similar words but they still mean different things to the author and the reader.


I’m aware, I’m a subscriber. However, I can’t ask them what their descriptor means because it’s a publication. This is an internet forum, so here I can actually interact with other people.

I can understand creamy texture, although I wouldn’t use it myself, since I don’t drink cream. The whole term in this sense doesn’t really bring any positive connotations to me. If I need to somehow describe the texture of a wine that has a bit higher viscosity, I’d go for “oily” instead.

But I don’t understand if the term is used for texture, but for an aftertaste. If you don’t have wine in your mouth any longer, how can you describe its texture? I can understand if a very sweet wine leaves a somewhat sticky finish, or tannins make the wine end on a drying, grippy finish, but I really can’t wrap my mind around “creamy texture in the aftertaste”. I just don’t get the idea what the tasting note is trying to get across.

This is probably your own personal translation. I’ve never understood creamy would mean blandness in any way and typically I don’t see “creamy” used in a negative context.


And this.

Righty! Anyways, I still find “creamy” a bit odd in context of Riesling (unless, as Johan said above, it’s a 2018 Riesling). To me, a great Riesling is sleek, zippy and incisive - if I read creamy texture somewhere, it brings something much softer, richer and rounder to my mind. Something like a Viognier, or a warm-region Chardonnay. A Riesling described as creamy makes me immediately think “welp, not my kind of wine then”. This was why I asked!

I hear what you’re saying. I don’t think a wine being creamy forecloses the possibility of it also being sleek and zippy. Certainly this wine is both zippy and creamy. It’s probably more accurate, however, to say the wine has a creamy element than to say it’s creamy.

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I find oily and creamy to have very different connotations. Oily is something that comes to mind with some Rhône white wines.

Creamy is a sensation that comes up often with Riesling for me. It most often comes up in lower acid vintages, but not always.


This is more how I understand them. Creamy more akin to softening like cream or milk in coffee.
Oily something heavier and thicker.

Well how heavy or thick can vary by quite a lot!

I prefer „viscous“

Me too.


2018 Werther Windisch Schlossberg. Mineral and salty, bruised lemon with a fair amount of petrol. Lo and behold, bone dry.

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2015 Schloss Lieser Brauneberger Juffer Sonnenuhr Spatlese, just gorgeous. A touch of petrol, prominent sweetness but with balancing acidity. The only vintage of this producer, unfortunately. It seems similar to Fritz Haag’s version of the wine from this vintage and vineyard.


Product of a hot year.
The antithesis of creamy.
Tight, austere, at this stage to be respected rather than enjoyed. Like a visit to a natural history museum, mineralogy section.

Hints of green apples, salty lemon preserves. Fast & Furious petrol levels, cigarette ashes, not for the meek. Open one if it‘s your thing, otherwise bury it deep.


From the same vintage, this was drunk last week and seems to be a lot lighter in colour. I was amazed at how fresh it was, with no petrol on the nose and plenty of red apple and mango fruit. Good acidity as well. Bought from Germany at the start of the year and worth the cost of shipping to Australia.


Picture is a bit dark, but this is the 1997 Watervale and its the last vintage before John Vicary changed the wine world in Australia. From 1998 he started bottling all his Rieslings under screw cap and it’s been a great success. This wine was spine chillingly good, with complexity, freshness and acidity. Each sip asks for another. A few weeks before though I poured a few 90’s Aus Rieslings down the sink as they were gone. That does not seem to happen with screw caps and wines from the noughties range from being just past their peak to needing more time in the cellar.


Two little Haarts

Quite dry this year. Pithy, stoney

Very energised, tangy lime and gooseberry.


There’s a blast from the past @Cameron_Clark !!
One of the great dinners I ever attended was a Leo Buring Leonay Dinner with wines from the 70s made by Vickery. Just wow!

Markus Molitor 2018 Ockfener Brockstein White Capsule:

I opened this tonight on impulse, so I didn’t decant. That was a mistake. I spent the evening confused by this wine, which spoke loudly of herbs, minerals and some vegetal notes, but very little in the way of fruit. What it did bring was spice. Lots of spice. It quite literally burns the nose like a dollop of wasabi or a radish. I enjoyed that aspect but was left wanting a bit more fruit. As I decided I was done for the night, the wine added that missing element. I didn’t want to finish an entire bottle on a work night, so I put the cork back in and saved a large glass for tomorrow. I will withhold final judgment for now. I can say with certainty it is not an overly ripe and blowsy ‘18, but the acids were not as punchy as I prefer, and it finishes a bit short.

The ‘17 Urziger Wurtzgarten Auslese ** WK, my introduction to the range a couple of weeks ago , was a truly excellent bottle. I was hoping that would be indicative of the rest of the range. It hasn’t proven to be true so far, but I it’s probably not fair to assess with two from an atypical vintage.


This improved considerably overnight, adding body, pineapple notes, and seeing an extension of length. It’s not on the level of the Wurtzgarten Auslese, but it’s a very good wine.