What price per bottle do you use in cellar tracker?

All in costs. My goal when searching for “deals” is to have an all in cost at or below CT average. Tough to do in Ak where shipping can be as much as $15/bottle.

I just enter “Brett Favre.”
[insert appropriate smiley here]

I am inconsistent. Sometimes I enter total cost (bill, tax and tip); other times I enter actual bottle price and then describe costs for shipping or case discounts in my notes.
So, it is like Brett Favre: inconsistent.

I actually enter just shipping and not tax. I figure wherever I buy I will be hit with tax (well not really, as many internet vendors are inconsistent), but that shipping clearly is variable. I think if a Bedrock offers no shipping and another winery has heavy loads for shipping, then it should show up in my costs.

Both. Many times I don’t know an exact amount of shipping and tax when I enter my purchase. Regardless, I just make a bottle note as to whether it includes or excludes these items. That doesn’t help everyone else in looking at averages, but it helps me know my true cost on any individual bottle.


Always include all additional costs (shipping, tax, insurance, etc.). Said factors can and should be an influence as to whom you decide to give your business to.

  • whatever…

B/C that is what it will cost me to replace it…


For those of you who answer something other than what went out of your wallet to get the bottle into your cellar, would you resell the wine for that number and feel you were breaking even? The field can be used for whatever you like, but if I am reselling anything, I need to know if I’m taking a loss or a gain on it. This also helps me in the repurchase decision process. A deal is only a deal if the total cost makes sense.


I didn’t select flawed poll, but it is, to me. I don’t typically add shipping cost, but I do add tax, and when I sell or trade a wine, I always include some amount for shipping as my ‘value’ at the time.

For bottles that I either put down sale price only or ‘all in’, I’ll mark it in the purchase notes as such.

I’m starting to give up tracking cost or even tracking inventory at this point. It’s nice to see what’s ready to drink, but it’s starting to get time consuming entering in ~300 bottles per year!

I track cost (including shipping and taxes) because it gives me basis numbers for wines I donate to charity auctions and for the rare times I sell any wine.

If you enter it as you buy it, it is not very time consuming. Probably less time consuming than pulling up a ten year old thread.


Nothing like a nice even split.

I do think there’s some reason to include shipping price because a $100 bottle that’s a limited release that you had to ship over from Europe is different from a $100 bottle that’s easy to find at a respectable store.

This is a preference thing, but I’d prefer to dig up an old thread rather than start a new one with the exact same point of the old one.

If shipping is involved, then cost plus shipping. I never include tax. Also, no sales tax when I order from out of state.

I don’t add the tax or shipping cost. I understand those are costs I am not tracking properly but it helps me understand the price I paid per bottle year in and out.

I only put the bottle price, since the other “costs” can be too nebulous and/or difficult to track. Out of curiosity, what do you input if you pick-up the wine at the winery during a pickup event? Gas and mileage? If you store your wine off-site, do you add the monthly space fees? It seems you could just keep going and going…

‘All in’ pricing, in case I want to sell/trade down the road. That is when I remember which is rare…

Interesting to read this thread, I never caught it the first time around.

I also only put the bottle price and exclude tax and shipping, though definitely include the vig on any auction purchase as I consider that part of the bottle price. A lot of wine is purchased on pre-arrival or when shipping needs to be held for weather (or consolidation), and since I always enter my purchases at the time of purchase rather than receipt, I often don’t even have an idea of shipping cost at the time. I guess I also am not really using the feature as a way to track the all-in cost of my wine (how to factor storage?), and frankly I don’t even really want to know that, as ignorance is bliss in this case I think. I use the per bottle price as an indicator of the market at the time of purchase to inform future purchases and curiosity, as well as for any potential future donation or sale of bottles.

I only use bottle cost, but encourage the rest of you to use bottle cost + tax + shipping so when I compare “My Price” to “Community Average Value” I can feel better about myself