What percentage of your cellar is white wine?

Red 85.7%
Red 84.2%
Red - Fortified 1.4%
Red - Sweet/Dessert 0.2%

White 13.7%
White 6.1%
White - Sweet/Dessert 5.5%
White - Sparkling 1.1%
White - Off-dry 1.0%

Rosé 0.5%
Rosé - Sparkling 0.3%
Rosé 0.2%


There should be a 15% option to select.

11.73% white of which 88% is champagne

26% and rising. Mostly Riesling, Loire Chenin and chard.

Just over 30%.
Mostly French across burg/Chablis, Alsace, northern rhone, Loire, sparklers and then German Rieslings.
I would like to increase the percentage of whites in the mix, obviously for summer drinking but also to have better depth and choice of wines to pair well with vegetarian food.
In our household we’re trying to cut back on meat consumption and it’s tricky when you have a cellar full of wines that show their best with a top piece of grilled red meat. To whit I need to explore how to drink say Barolo with well chosen cheeses for instance as a meat alternative, but now I’m rambling off topic…

Statistically, i am at zero percent. I do have four bottles though. And i am now considering buying a few chards and sauv blanc oak barrel aged not stainless.

For me, about 34% - mostly from Germany, Burgundy, Champagne, the Loire and Alsace. I probably drink at least 50% white (a lot of everyday wines and we eat a lot of fish) but they need less age and so turn over faster.

I’m a little over 50%. 95% Chablis and Champagne

About 1/3 of my cellar is white wine. Approximately:
27% Loire
21% Burgundy (Mostly Chablis, some PYCM and a few others)
20% Champagne
16% California, mostly Arnot Roberts, Liquid Farm, Ceritas.
The rest, a smattering from all over the globe.

I thought I had mostly Loire and Champagne.

10-15%, with much higher turnover rate, hence the skew.

We likely drink 60% red, 40% white.

20% white, including some Champagne & sweet.

Almost 40% white.

Drink 50/50 but age the reds longer then the whites


I rounded up to 25% for the poll, since we’ll likely head that way over time, with Texas summers and all, but I don’t see it increasing much beyond that.

Less than 10%. Mainly Champagne and Sauternes with some Chardonnay.


44.8% It’s a race against the premox clock for a good portion of it. No white burgundy older than 2010.

Love this thread. Been feeling the same way - find myself drinking substantially more whites this summer compared to years past.

Currently less than 20% of my Cellar but I find that changing rapidly and expect it to be closer to 23%-25% by EOY.

Mostly Burgundy, Champagne, Loire and CA Chardonnay, Sauternes in that order.


28% white, 4% Champagne, and 18% dessert wines.