What do you use to monitor temp and humidly in your cellar?

THIS. My Lacrosse gear gave up the ghost a while back. Just ordered a Netatmo.

I don’t have enough time to figure all that out when I’m identifying, sorting, and drinking wine!

Does anyone have any suggestion for a system that does NOT transmit? I have some wine stored in one location where I don’t have access to power. I have an electronic min-max thermometer there, but it only records lows and peaks; it doesn’t show me the pattern of the swings or the length of the peaks. I had a small battery-powered device a long time ago that sampled periodically and could download data to a laptop. Something that would do that with a phone (or laptop) would do the trick.


I dunno, since these items are NOT specific to cellars, I’m a little surprised how much they cost. I would think that a simple temp/humid sensor with option to add remote probes wouldn’t cost that much. I would like to add them to my home coolers, but not really ready to lay out several hundred to monitor 3 coolers.

USB temperature logger is what you want:

I’ve used one to confirm transit temperatures when using FedEx Cold Chain Service. You can set the frequency at which it takes a reading - which directly affects the battery life.

Thanks. I see I can sign up for the chance to win one free “every ThermoMonday.” Who knew there was a ThermoMonday?

so wanted to wait a bit before recommending, but i’m thrilled with this insanely cheap and great solution. the nice thing is that you can add on sensors wherever you want them.

the site is self explanatory and setup is easier than i thought it would be.

feel free to ask any questions, but you get phenomenal tracking of both temp and humidity as well as various options to monitor both and get alerts if you need via text, email, etc. and it works with other paltforms and IFTTT.

cloud access is free and they have a solid iOS app.

thanks for post Yaacov. very interested.

so now I have questions. Which products did you get? They don’t seem to do a good job of explaining common usage scenarios.

order through this link i think there’s a referral program…


wow - i think they do an amazing job, but i’ve been on the site for a while i guess. click around. there’s a ton of info.

i got the $29 sensor, but only use it for temp and humidity. it also has a motion sensor. if you only need that, you get the sensor you want and also tag manager. you can always add sensors all over the place once you have the tag manager.

+1. Looks like a really robust system, not just for wine cellars.

One interesting thing is that it doesn’t constantly update temperature/humidity. You can set how often it updates/logs, but interesting thought experiment - do you want/need instant access to a graph of the temperature, so long as it’s within spec? Thinking about it - I’m not sure I do!

Wow, if it’s as easy at the website looks I might buy a bunch of stuff from them. Only hold back is it looks like if the company goes down so do all your sensors.

OK, so I want 2 sensors for the wine cellar, one for temp/humidity and one that does motion too, then I want a motion one for the liquor cabinet and one for where the ____ are my keys. What do I buy?

Andrew - the monitor settings go from as often as 15 seconds to 5 minutes. and you can pick when it alerts you (after 1 out of range event, etc.). it also alerts you when it returns to normal.

Paul - One sensor will do all of that. understand that it’s not a visual sensor, it’s motion of the sensor, so put on the door itself if you want to know when the door opens) and temp/humidity. just look at the various specs of the sensors to see which one you need.


Yaacov - I think we need to sign you up for the one that sends humor alerts. neener

you lost me, JM.

I looked very closely at that option, but opted for Sensorist. Good to hear your feedback in the event I’m not thrilled with Sensorist.

That’s true of pretty much all sensors (LaCrosse, NetAtmo). Unless you run your own server/data compiler, you’re going to be stuck with the company providing the hardware . . .

It looked like you’d read right past his request for a sensor that would find his keys as well.