What CHABLIS are you drinking?

This hasn’t been done yet right? blush Definitely worthy of one of these threads…especially for me, since this is THE wine I drink the most! What ya CHABLIS-N tonight???

Another one of these for me…

We’ve been drinking a lot lately with the heat here. Having a 2014 Fevre (Village) now that’s great for the price.

Pulled a 04 Duplessis Les Clos Mag for B-day party Sunday.

I drank the whole bottle of Rav before the wife got home…so now it’s 2012 La Chablisienne Les Clos open… but I won’t touch it until she goes to sleep!!! [whistle.gif]

Fevre Clos 2005

04 Raveneau Butteaux this week and a very odd 2010 Brocard Montee de tonnerre on Saturday.

Picq for the regular days. Dauvissat for the special ones.

Odd how?

Opened one yesterday, but corked. [cry.gif]