What Bedrock wine are you drinking tonight?

Tried a 17 Pagani last night…corked :frowning:

Always a bummer but Morgan/Chris are great about replacing bottles so im not worried about it :cheers:

Ugh. Hate when that happens

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Lorenzo’s ALWAYS hits the sweet spot. I had ~ 3/4 of this bottle and loved every drop.


I just polished off a 2022 Carlisle but your note made me Coravin a glass of the 2016 Lorenzo, and it’s in a great spot right now.


Night two with the ‘21 Pagani Ranch - really delicious

Nice! We opened the 2014 this past weekend. In a great spot right now, too. Went well with Shepherd’s Pie.

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Damn this is delish. Probably will be at its apogee in 3-5 years but so good right now. Lovely balance of primary fruit with secondary and tertiary character. Full TN is on CT.


Popped one because of your note and, as always, you were spot on! Drinking soooo well right now! Im actually loving the few 17’s that I’ve opened so far. Maybe wont be the longest-lived but they seem to be in a great place right now.

Am going to check on a Pato tonight. CT reviews aren’t great but we’ll see!

Thanks again for this note my friend! :cheers:

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Indeed, the longevity is quite something!

Glad I could return the favor for all the great notes you write.

I’ve been absolutely loving the way the 17’s are drinking right now so i popped a Pato and an Evangelho and was not disappointed. Im not sure this vintage will make old bones so I’m going to continue drinking through them as IMHO they are SINGING currently!

2017 Evangelho:
Evangelho is, admittedly, not my favorite Bedrock offering but the 17 is drinking well with a little bit of air. Orange rind, citrus, and red fruits dominate with a bit of an herbal element on the finish. A bit light on the mid-palate, but still tasty. Probably some upside in the next year or two but drinking very well!

2017 Pato:
Maybe not the most complex Bedrock ever but it’s delicious and very easy to drink right now. Big brambly fruit but balanced with the acidity. To me this is a ‘drink now’ as i dont know if there’s much upside. Pop one and enjoy it for what it is!


The cure for Mondays


Opened a 2017 Pagani Ranch Heritage tonight to keep on the Monday Bedrock trend.

Drinking beautifully now on the pop n’pour. Dusty blackberry, black cherry, crème de violette, cardamom, and mocha on the nose. Lovely balance of dark berry fruit and savory herbal character on the palate, with a core of graphite minerality. Medium-bodied with fresh acidity and gentle mouthcoating tannic grip, this has some structure still to keep going a few years but may be better to drink on the sooner side to still enjoy the primary fruit notes.


Had a 2014 Dolinsek Heritage last night from their Library Release last month. I’ve never had a 10 year old Bedrock as I usually drink them within 3 years.

The wine showed some age but no too much. Slight bricking around the rim, some mild tertiary aromas and taste, but mostly a very forward and flavorful wine. I have no idea how much longer it will last, but that is probably a personal preference. Its pop and pour for the near case that I ordered from their Library release.


2012 Monte Rosso Zin - Still has bright acidity and some spicy red fruit that is very claret like. Not really sure when I will drink my last bottle but not sure I am waiting to 2030 which is the conservative end of Morgan’s range.


Awesome man! Love that wine! Well…really i love all of the 2012’s, ha! Thanks for the note!


2022 Ode to Lulu - This goes way too easy for something that’s 13.5% ABV.


Drank the last glass tonight after one night under VinVac. Seemed tired and lacked the brightness of the night before. I will drink my last bottle sooner than later and in an environment where it is finished on night 1.

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Had my first exposition tonight - a 2012, but I’m not sure which one in the series. Very fine, thanks Tim!

:cheers: :berserker:


It was the '12 Exposition Two. It was my first Exposition too and I thought it was in a really nice spot…ready to go on the p-n-p. I only had two small pours (earlier in the evening) and thought the tannins were fully integrated with plenty of fruit still shining through. Possibly near or peaking??? Still sitting on my '13’s (One, Two and Three).