What ARE you buying, if anything, now?

With mailers out aplenty and tons of people passing, what are you buying, if anything, now? Among others, I have passed on Tin Man, Ovid, Jonata, and Arkenstone.

Rather than buying new releases, I am selectively backfilling older Burgundy and Rhones which are at the mid-to lower end, but 100% in the window and not breaking the bank. Essentially, I am trading “greatness” for maturity and lower out-of-wallet cost.


Done for the year after Copain next week.

Red Burgs pre '06
Backfilling Bordeaux pre '02
Austrian whites

Austrian Gruners and Rieslings and artisan whiskey

Rest of the year:

Arcadian GCS

…and that’s likely about it, unless i see something really great pop up.

Trying to be good.

Three wine club shipments (Venge, Surh Luchtel & Jocelyn Lonen)

Spending 4 days in Napa & Sonoma in November. I’m sure I’ll bring back some wine from the trip but not the 11 cases my wife and I brought back last year. I’m making some space but I already have 50+ bottles pending.


2009 Beaujolais
2007 Rhone / CdP (if priced right)
Austrian GV

Alban is the only one I have left on my list for this year

All the wines you listed are an immediate delete while I laugh at the price.

I have been buying champagne, cali cab and bdx with a bit of age on em.

Thats a three shot i could live with…

Corliss remains on my list

Just waiting on year-end releases from Copain and Bedrock.

Not buying much these days. But when I am laying out some money, it’s for wines from N Rhone, Piedmont, Burgundy and Champagne…and some Aglianico based wines when I can find them. Trying to balance out my Bordeaux-heavy cellar now that my tastes have evolved to the good stuff [smileyvault-ban.gif]

+1 for me, that’s it

I am doing some mailers but mostly picking up relative bargains at auction. Lots of burgandy, '07 Rhone and high end US wines from recent vintages.

09 Riesling, and various Sparkling wines/Champagne. Still looking for an 09 Beaujolais that I feel for.

Great minds…

Still buying the greatest vintage in wine history: 2007 CDP.

for the rest of the year I’m going to try to only buy my wine club allotments from my usuals … of course, i’ve been trying to do this all year, and have failed miserably.

realistically, it’ll be the wine club allotments along with whatever deals come along that I absolutely cannot pass on. I’m also planning on drawing back a bit on some of the wine club allotments (yes, I’m talking to you and your freaking 15.8%, Lewelling [swearing.gif] ).

Agreed on the Lewelling - a HUGE disappointment. I didn’t even bother checking the facts on the abv as I just assumed it was reasonable, but NOOOOOO. They have fallen victim of mainstream ‘preferences’, and will, in my estimation, lose a huge chunk of their core customer base as a result.