What are the best tasting glasses?

Hey all,
I’m looking to purchase a set of multipurpose (white and red) tasting glasses that will be moved around quite a bit. What do you recommend that is durable, affordable, and good for showing a wide variety of red, white, and sweet wines? And do you have a recommendation for a favorite travel case to store the glasses? I’m looking for a set of ~8 glasses.

I like the Riedel Magnums. I have about 100 of them. Grabbed them on blowout a few years back. Functional, strong, and well made.

I use the Schott Zwiesel Tritan Bordeaux glasses. Durable, multi-purpose (imo) and a good deal at K&L.

Glass has no taste.


The Reidel Vinum Burg glass I had last night was sublime. A delicate and perfumed glass. I give it 98 pts. [cheers.gif]

don’t know if you’re also looking for a Champagne glass, but I love the Zalto.

You are SO wrong; comically wrong. Whenever I have glass there is an assertive and pronounced taste of something I can only describe as blood. Without fail, it is the one note I can always pick up.

[wow.gif] [winner.gif] [welldone.gif]

I’m looking to purchase a set of multipurpose (white and red) tasting glasses that will be moved around quite a bit.

I move mine around a lot too. Cupboard, table, sink, back again. And on the table I often shift the glass from one location to another. For all that motion, I’ve found that the best glass is one that is solid, with no holes or cracks, preferably clean, and able to hold more than a thimbleful of wine.
Other than that, I guess if I had my druthers, I’d want one that had at least a 12 oz bowl, maybe more but there’s also an upper limit, at least for me. It’s not necessary to have a huge immense bowl and I have a few Reidels with enormous bowls that I hardly ever use. I don’t care if it’s cut crystal or glass with a rolled lip. I know some people think they can actually taste something different depending on the glass they use, but that’s kind of a religious belief and well, the Lord works in mysterious ways. It’s nice that they believe that.

My suggestion is that you just go out and buy a few different glasses. Buy one of each. Figure out which one you like and buy more of that one. Or do like Mike and buy them on sale. I got a box of Speigelaus after a WS Wine Experience one year. Didn’t cost me anything ( I didn’t pay for the ticket) and they’re just fine. They hold wine. That’s all that matters.

Everyone’s a comedian…

Thanks for the suggestions.

Hi Mike,
Thanks for the rec. If you only have an ounce and a half (like at a tasting) in the glass, does it feel like it gets lost? The glass looks big enough for a decent sized pour, so I’m wondering if smaller quantities wouldn’t show well.


I have the Schott Zwiesel Bordeaux and they hold about 22oz, almost an entire bottle. Definitely not so good for small volume tasting, because it looks ridiculous.

What about INAO tasting glasses? I have a few collected from various events with various logos, but you could buy them as well

This place says $3.75/glass, plus shipping

Amazon has very little if you search for INAO, but this one is 6 for $36

No problem with that. There is a Riedel restaurant line that is somewhat smaller. These might be perfect.

I’m going to disagree with the big glass line of reasoning. For tasting various wines you don’t want a glass that’s designed to show of certain things well - you want a multipurpose glass that shows everything well even if certain things (Pinot, etc) might be better in specific glasses. Thus, I’d vote for the Riedel Chianti glasses. Get the Restaurant series if you are doing quantity. I can’t find a difference between them and the Vinum aside from weight. They work well with virtually all kinds of wine and the compromises they make are small.

I like the Schott Forte glasses. There are several sizes, but we use the Chardonnay size for most everyday drinking, red and white. They’re relatively sturdy. I also like the Spiegelau Authentis glasses, which have a similar shape (in fact, I have bunch of these, mostly unused) and would be willing to sell them at below my original cost).

our daily glasses are the Schott Zwiesel Tritons. We used to break a lot of glasses and now we don’t.

I would agree. I was at a club last year (yes, I’m not old like the rest of you) and I had a large piece of broken glass in my vodka soda. Looked like ice. Needless to say when I spoke with the manager and told him that I actually found the glass in my mouth, I have never paid for anything there again. Probably much cheaper than the lawsuit had I swallowed the glass.

Schott Zwiesel Pure Series Bordeaux…great look and function…

I agree with Rick. I tend to do smaller pours most of the time especially when tasting with friends and the Riedel Chianti/Riesling/Zin glass (all are fairly similar and in some Riedel series identical) is my glass of choice for tasting an array of red, white, bubbly, and sweet. I also second the Restaurant recommendation as I have found essentially equal performance between the Riedel Restaurant and Vinum glasses. IMO, the best all around glass as it performs well for all wine styles.

I have been using Reidel Chianti/Zin glasses for this for a long time, and so far they are my favorite multi-purpose glass. I typically prefer Champagne in them as well. They are also nice in that they are quite a bit smaller than the Burg or Bordeaux glasses, so much easier to transport.