Whaddya opening for Passover?

Besides Maneschewitz [snort.gif] that is.
I’ve got a bottle of Domaine du Castel Grand Vin 2005 and may open it. However, since we are not observant, I may just open a bottle of Antica Terra Botanica. My DH makes a marvelous stuffing (his grandmother’s recipe) with matzoh, mushrooms and sage for the chicken and I will roast some cauliflower. think Maggie’s PN is a better choice for the dinner. What’s yours?

Domaine du Castel Grand Vin 2005
Covenant 2004
Covenant C 2007
Cap canes Peraj Ha Abib 2004
Ch de Fesles Bonnezeaux 1997

We are observant and keep a completely kosher for Passover home for the Yom Tov. These wines are very good and get me through the week nicely.