Westchester Wine Amateurs do Tercero

Nice group of civilians. Organized by the Episcopal priest. Meets every month or two. Price point is $20. The theme this time was Grenache and Syrah. We cheat on the price point so we brought a Clos St Jean Chateauneuf and a Carlisle Dry Creek Valley, and since I had a Tercero Grenache Blanc just delivered, I brought that because it was technically within the theme. Observations:

  1. I barely got to taste it. Everyone who tried it came back for seconds. It disappeared very quickly.
  2. Larry could use a NY outlet if he can sell three tier and still make money because people loved the wine and a couple of them asked me where to buy it. I said Berserkerday. I did not explain in detail because I did not want to be responsible for more bankruptcy filings.
  3. I liked it better than the Tercero Viognier. A bit more hedonistic and ready to go right out of the bottle. I think that Viognier generally needs time to integrate and lose the rough edges.

Overall, in the ABC category (Anything But Chardonnay) this is excellent.


The Episcopal priest, eh? Looks like I may have some new marketing slogans to come up :slight_smile:

Glad the group enjoyed this wine. It was part of a national ‘tweet event’ with about 10 bloggers and others last night, and everyone seemed to enjoy it as well.

It definitely is more approachable at this time than my 13 Viognier. What I dig about this variety is that you can choose to go many different directions with it, just like Sauv Blanc. I get fruit from 2 different vineyards - one supplies a nice crisp component and the other a richer, riper one. I like the wine to be a bit ‘austere’ at bottling, knowing that it will gain wait in bottle, as this one as done since it was bottled 18 months or so ago.

I’ll be bottling my 14 version next week - can’t wait to share this one with you down the line.


Tercero offline? I’m sitting on 2 2007 Petite Syrah that I bought when Larry just opened his tasting room in July 2011. [cheers.gif]