Westborn Wine - New California Sparkling Project

Looking forward to it!

Great release party today, Weston! Brasswood is such a great place to host an event like that. Perfect weather with the doors open and the always tasty Brasswood culinary delights! A treat to meet a few other Berserkers as well.

The richness of the perpetual reserve with the pizzas, the chiseled vintage brut with the mozzarella and the rosƩ with the fried chicken!

Above all, it was very neat to see the growers there and hear from them how excited they are about this project, from Kent Ritchie to Chris Hyde!

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easy pass

There is a decent chance I buy, but how meaningful is a perpetual reserve from a winery that just started a few years ago? I wonder what vintages are in it. Itā€™s also interesting that they list the vineyard sources for the rose but not the NV.

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Yeah, i figured theyā€™d be 'aggressive ā€™ with the pricing. Iā€™d love to try theseā€¦but not for that kind of $$$ on an initial release. Hope to hear some notes from others though :cheers:

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Brand new project. No professional reviews (that Iā€™ve seen). Price? Cedric Bouchard everywhere 3 years ago.



I need another $Ģ¶Ģ¶2Ģ¶Ģ¶5Ģ¶Ģ¶0Ģ¶Ģ¶+Ģ¶ $100 NĢ¶aĢ¶pĢ¶aĢ¶ CĢ¶aĢ¶bĢ¶ California Sparkling like a hole in the headā€¦


Hopefully Weston will pop back in now that the Save the Date is out, but I did ask about the vineyard sources when I was at the release partyā€¦thr perpetual reserve is based on fruit from all the vineyards Westborn works with (Hudson, Hyde, Hirsch, Heintz, Silver Eagle, Ritchie, etc).

The updated website with the detailed vineyard map is really cool for those wanting to explore.

Weston also shared that all of the Westborn wines were submitted for review just a couple weeks ago. (A handful of reviews from people the last few weeks on CellarTracker, all quite positive, for those who would like to read more tasting notes).

My guess of $129 was just about in the middle! Iā€™ll take the win.


Yikes. Too rich for my blood

I donā€™t get why youā€™d compare it to Cedric Bouchard 3 years ago. Cedric is currently much more expensive, but you can find other quality Champagnes being sold for $100 - $150 or less.

And still plenty of other quality Champagnes for far less, thankfully.

for those that buy more champagne than me, can someone toss out their favorites for the $70-120 range.

Vilmart CdC


What Max said. Also, head into the Which Champagneā€¦ thread. So many out there in that zone.

Just making a joke about price; not comparing the juice.

Steve- you would need to define the style you like. For example Vil is one type but you may prefer another.

And Vilmart Oeno as well.

Another at the low end of @Steve_Crawford ā€˜s range would be Guillaume Sergent ā€˜Le Chemin des Chappesā€™ Extra Brut

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Pol Roger
Pascal Doquet
Andre Clouet
Paul Launois

Obviously there are lots of bottlings across these producers so it may depend on what you can find available to you but all of them have options in that range which we really enjoy. If you try any of them, I hope you find something you like

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