My wife and I had the oppty to attend the West of the West Wine festival in San Francisco this past week. The event was held at the Golden Gate Club at the Presidio. It’s a beautiful location and it was a clear cool day in San Fran and the views were outstanding. I splurged on the VIP tickets which allowed us to start early and get a chance to try some library wines before the regular tasting. I didn’t take any notes so this is from memory on the plane ride home. I rated the wines from good( I’d happily purchase and drink) to outstanding( they stood out and made you take notice) . We spent too much time with some of our favorites and didn’t dump enough of the great wines so we ran out of time and steam and missed some old favorites( Sojourn) and some we wanted to spend more time with( Failla, Freeman,Dumol). Overall, it was a terrific event and well worth attending.
The wines:
2010 Soliste Foret- I’ve always wanted to try this wine and the one I had read about when I first uncovered Soliste. Pigs and Pinot blind winner and It was every bit as good as I had hope, Deep and layered nose and palate. Wonderful dark fruit and forest floor, so layered and deep. In the zone right now.
2009 Littorai Pivot- Great to revisit this one. I remember trying and buying during our first Littorai visit. Best yet for me and better than the last one opened at home a few months ago. It unfolded and revealed layer after layer of deep red fruit with some earth and exotic spice notes. I think it’s just hitting it’s drinking window.
2009 Hirsch Reserve- I’ve had the regular estate but never the reserve. A delight to try and just outstanding. Great pine and dark fruit notes with everything in place.
2011 Soliste Sonatera- I love what Soliste did with the 11’s. The nose goes on forever. Light, yet packed with flavor and depth. It’s got plenty of life left. I need to buy more.
2013 Red Car Heaven and Earth- we had this toward the end of the tasting and I just remember going whoa, sign me up. Terrific wine.
Very good-
Peay- everything we tasted with the 09 Pomarium as probably the best. I wish we had not run out of time and rushed through these. The 14 Pomarium and 13 Ama stood out. We didn’t get to all their wines
2010 Sojourn Gaps Crown- I’ve never had an older Gaps as we usually drink them in the first 2 years. The miushroom and truffle nose was insane. Full bodied with deep dark fruit and forest floor notes. Everything was in perfect balance. This screams for some roast chicken with mushroom risotto. In it’s prime.
2015 Sojourn Wallalla BS ( new vineyard. I need to check the spelling)- another winner from Sojourn. Make sure to check this one out when it’s released.
2012 Soliste L’Esperance- this is starting to unwind now but still very young. Wonderful deep red nose. It’s close to outstanding(I’ve given it that rating before) and on it’s way to being something special. Hold for another year or 2.
2012 Soliste Foret- same on this one. Will it reach the level of the 10 ? It sure is on track to. Very good now but will be better. Hold.
2012 Red Car Syrah- we need to drink more Syrah and more like this. Reminded me of the Peay.
2013 Red Car Estate, Fort Ross- was my favorite Red Car until I tried the Heaven and Earth but this one is very good and I expect it will get better and hit outstanding in 2 years or so.
2007 Littorai The Haven- very good but did not have quite the finish or depth of the 09 Pivot. I found a few of the 07’s that seemed to fall off a bit on the finish. I would drink my 07’s in the next 2 years.
2013 Littorai Platt and Pivot – these showed very well but will be better no doubt in 5 years. I think I asked Ted vintage advice at least 3 times but still don’t remember what he said.
2014 Littorai Charles Heintz and Mays Chard- I love Littorai chard…
2013 Hirsch San Andreas- very good and drink this one while you let the 13 reserve sleep
2013 Hirsch Pinot Reserve- this was really good but still quite shy. Leave it for 5 years and it will be outstanding.
2014 Lioco Laguan Pinot SC- Crunchy red fruit with great energy. Really good qpr. Keep your eye on this producer.
That’s it for now. We had some other good wines and some that just didn’t work for us but these were the ones that really stood out. It was great meeting some of the folks behind these wines( Ted Lemon and Andy Peay) and catching up with Don and Beth Plumley from Soliste. After a hilarious Uber ride to the Financial district we had a great dinner at Perbacco. All in all a great way to kick off our NorCal wknd. …