welcome enablers

a thread for the indecisive and or impaired.

1996 leflaive montrachet @ 1400€

Ok, I will bite.

Huh? [scratch.gif]

I ain’t got no euros, so no.
However, if I can say “yes” to buying this, but “no” to selling “or/that,” I’ll consider it.

I always tell my kids that college is overrated. Go for it.

Sorry, I feel like I have now suckered in a few of you to this thread.

WTH is being discussed here?

Simple: should you, or should you not, buy or sell 1996 Leflaive Montrachet, or something else, at 1400€?

Great wine, good price- buts lots of other wines for a lot less

you didn’t sucker anyone in, I think everyone else understood it [snort.gif] [snort.gif]

Well, glad we solved all of this. I feel better now.

buy. never see it again. little chance of premox.

Great price IMO. But for me I’m very wary buying aged whites. I’d want to be sure of provenance.

it is on a restaurant list in paris…very tempting!

If the restaurant will take the bottle back if its oxidised or corked pull the trigger!

Doug’s wife has dubbed my logic used to justify purchases as “Kirk math”. I’ve used Kirk math to justify some of my most exciting purchases.

Is there an online course in Kirk math? Sounds like a useful skill!

I had a 6-pack of perfect provenance 1996 Leflaive BBM. Every bottle pox’d. But as long as the restaurant will roll go for it. Likely never see that wine again.

“We be big pimpin’ , spending cheese”

This is big cheese for a huge risk unless you know it is a bottle that has never moved from Leflaive. Even then, there is risk.

dont see movement as a risk–only a restaurant that backs its wines mitigates the risk. It can be poxed in the winemaker’s cave.

i think i need to check with the restaurant as it is the most expensive bottle on their list i believe and it is a pretty short list at that. i am not too worried about it being faulty but you never know I guess.