Warren Winiarski has passed away

Warren Winiarksi died at the age of 96. Warren was a kind and generous man, in addition to being a great winemaker. I am glad that I was able to first meet him back in 2012 and rekindle his connection with Colorado. RIP Warren.


Great life.


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One of the first wineries we visited in Napa because we had enjoyed the wine so much. Great visit, great wine, such elegance.

I happened to meet him at a Decanter dinner in London about 25 years ago and found him to be absolutely charming. We don’t get much US wine in France, so my questions about his wines must have seemed incredibly ignorant, but he was a model of patience and I remember fondly his self-deprecating wit. The wines he presented were pretty damn good too. RIP.

Eric Asimov

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No reason to wait any longer

That was a nice read.

First wine I ever popped with my wife - and back then, not even yet a girlfriend - was a 1985 Stag’s Leap. I wanna say it was the Cask 23, but not 100% certain. What I do recall is that I bought it at ABC, they had received a library case, told me it got some big rating by Parker, so I grabbed it. It was not cheap either on my starting lawyer salary. This was in 1993. I brought it over to her house to watch Melrose Place, learned then that she did not drink red wine - actually, she did not drink much at all - did not own a corkscrew or wine glasses either. I think she pretended to like it, I pretty much killed the bottle, and had a wonderful evening with someone that eventually became my wife.

Warren had a great life!


Did she take advantage of you in your drunken state?


Same. RIP

Ah, so she did.

Met him at Town Wine & Liquors circa 1975.
He criticized the owner (Stanley Fishbein) for not storing his wine at 50 degrees.
But we had a nice conversation.
Went thru a case each of the 1974 Cab and Merlot with my Dad. ($9/bottle)
Great stuff!