Interesting ( and probably expected somewhat ?) that Alban scores took quite a hit compared to Parkers barrel scores. Im not on the list but I really like John Alban’s wines, but 92-96 ranges after 3 possible 100’s has to be a downer for the winery…
It will be interesting to see if it matters who’s initials after the score mean anything marketwise. Its hard to believe Parker is going to stay free of comments for CA wines and I wonder what will ensue if he does?
I really like the reviews in total. He took down a few wineries a couple points per bottle, published a lot more scores in the high-80s. Siduri, relative to its peers, had their best WA reviews in years. Saxum out-scored SQN. Ridge Monte Bello got it’s best WA-love… ever.
It will be interesting to compare Meadows next review of Rhys versus the WA scores. I notice Alpine scored highest, and the acclaimed Swan Terrace and Skyline received a little less love. But variety makes the world go round. Congrats to Rhys!!
From Wine Library’s site, I saw that Pattes Loup Chablis’ (plural) were well received (92-93). I had a good feeling about this producer, hopefully it will pan out when I get to taste the wines once shipping weather arrives.
I was interested in the pinot reviews…with a few exceptions even the content of the notes indicate that he prefers a leaner style. While I prefer bigger wines its nice to see some consistency there. The syrah reviews seem to be more mixed in style.
and the price of the SCM red, geyserville, lytton springs etc
not happy about the 95 for 09 lytton and 94 for 08 SCM red. I paid less than $30 for the 07 SCM red, with this score I am not sure I will be able to do that again.
If anyone will hold the line on critic-inspired price increases it is Ridge. If Ridge isn’t the world’s greatest bargain in fine wine, I’m not sure what is.
One of my greatest honors ever was having a chance to meet and spend quality time with Paul Draper last year at the IMW Symposium. At some level I understand how people might be disappointed that his wines may see increased demand due to long, LONG overdue critical recognition. At the same time, this guy is a pioneer, a purist, and someone who perseveres endlessly with a clear vision in mind. I hope that Antonio helps to raise his star. Congrats to Paul!
The other discrepancy was with the SQN Dangerous Birds grenache. AG gave it a 97 while RP gave it a 99. Surprised that the 07 Alban Reva came in at the low end of the RP barrel score at 96pts. A 93 for the SQN On The Lam white. While AG raved in numerous threads about the 09 Saxum JBV, he ended up giving it 98pts. I actually like that. 98pts SHOULD equate to an amazing wine. 100pts should be reserved for a wine that is truly stunning AND unique and with RP handing out 100pt scores like candy on Halloween, it’s good to see some point restraint. Honestly, I’ve tasted most of the finest CA wines from the past two decades and have only found 3-5 that I’d consider 100pts in my book. Same goes for BDX and the Rhone. To me, 100pts is reserved for a knock down memorable experience that in 20yrs, I’ll still remember. Way to go AG!
They were pouring them yesterday at Chambers St., where (not surprisingly) they were unaware of the big scores. I’d fallen in love with these wines about 6 months ago when I first tasted 'em. Great, great wines. The '09 Beauregard drank especially well yesterday.