A Wineberserker Public Service Announcement
The 7th annual Virtual Tasting Series (VTS) is ready to go. The first week for 2019 kicks off the week before Thanksgiving and runs through December 1st giving those time to post a tasting note into the thread. Each week is hosted by a fellow Wineberserker who decides the theme, format, and the charity they’d like to support.
Matching Donations: if you’d like to co-host the current week by matching the donations then just post into that week’s thread “I’m matching” and any terms and conditions you’d like to add. A number of people have requested this and it’s a great idea so have look below and pick a week you’d be interested in matching.
Week__Date_____Theme / Host - Charity
NOV22 - DEC1 - Anything Pinot Noir - Frank Murray - Laura’s House
DEC4 - DEC11 - D@vid Bu3ker / Dakin Humane Society - All About Oregon Wine
DEC11 - DEC18 - Jim Stewart / Wines of the Loire" - Semper Fi
DEC18 - DEC25 - Outside Your Comfort Zone / Joe Duncan - Malaria Foundation
DEC25 - JAN3 Hipster Wines / Brian Tuite - Mechanics GoFundMe
JAN3 - JAN10 - BRW (Big Red Wines) / Jay Hack - Kids’ Kloset program of (914) Cares
Here’s the Compendium for the previous years.
2013 Compendium
2014 Compendium
2015 Compendium
2016 Compendium
2017 Compendium
2018 Compendium
Who’s in for a host week for a good cause? Looking for hosts interested in supporting their favorite charities.
How do you do it?
Post the week you want right into this thread, just like David did down below.
Pick a charity, theme, and format. Post it right here.
I do all the work for you starting the thread, etc. You just sit back and relax.
It’s that easy. First come first serve while weeks are open
I will take December 4-11. It will be for Dakin Humane Society as per usual. Themes TBD.
I haven’t finished spell checking!!! LOL
done, thanks.
Brig, I’ll step up and take the Dec 11-18 week. The charity will be Semper Fi. For a theme I’m thinking “Wines of the Loire”. Let me know what else you need from me to get it going. Thanks, -Jim
Nice charity. You’re good to go for now, I’ll ping you when the time comes and I’ve posted your thread.
Thank you and “Uh Rah!”
David, thank you again for signing on. You’ve done this for many years now. Jim, thank you too for signing on. Be a good reason to drink Baudry.
Brig, appreciate the coordination here.
I am going to step out of my comfort zone, and have December 4-11 be all about Oregon.
Good for you and good for us!
OK berserkers, you have a reason to visit the local wine shop. Tell the significant other it’s for “charity” and you want to do your part.
Also, lots of things coming from Oregon other than pinot these days… Beer count?
Only two weeks left open for adoption. Anyone interested in doing the Beer Intermezzo the week before Christmas?
Let’s do all about Oregon wine.
All about Oregon it is my friend.
Any takers for that last weeks?
I’ll take Dec 18-25, against malaria foundation, theme is “outside your (wine) comfort zone”
Great theme!
Thanks, Joe. You got that week and I’ll come knocking when it’s time.
A Wineberserker Public Service Announcement
The 7th annual Virtual Tasting Series (VTS) is ready to go. The first week for 2019 kicks off the week before Thanksgiving and runs through December 1st giving those time to post a tasting note into the thread. Each week is hosted by a fellow Wineberserker who decides the theme, format, and the charity they’d like to support.
Matching Donations: if you’d like to co-host the current week by matching the donations then just post into that week’s thread “I’m matching” and any terms and conditions you’d like to add. A number of people have requested this and it’s a great idea so have look below and pick a week you’d be interested in matching.
Week__Date_____Theme / Host - Charity
NOV22 - DEC1 - Anything Pinot Noir - Frank Murray - Laura’s House
DEC4 - DEC11 - D@vid Bu3ker / Dakin Humane Society - All About Oregon Wine
DEC11 - DEC18 - Jim Stewart / Wines of the Loire" - Semper Fi
DEC18 - DEC25 - Outside Your Comfort Zone / Joe Duncan - Malaria Foundation
DEC25 - JAN3 - Brian Tuite - GoFundMe - 7 Mechanics Lose Jobs and Tools in Devastating Fire
Here’s the Compendium for the previous years.
2013 Compendium
2014 Compendium
2015 Compendium
2016 Compendium
2017 Compendium
2018 Compendium
I’ll step up Brig!
Hipster Wines, low alcohol/carbonic/non-mainstream varieties/still/sparkling
You got it my friend.
Does your lovely bride have a favorite charity?
Good job, Joe. I dig the theme too.
Okay, all the weeks are locked and loaded.
Looks like lots of fun stuff over the next 6 weeks.
See the original post for the weeks agenda
PSA Sunday is the last day for FMIII Pinot thread.
Starting Wednesday it’ll be David and all about Oregon. Gives you a reason to go shopping if you’re light in the cellar.