Vineyards of Fleurie


Thanks, Charlie!

When I go to Morgon, all it seems to show is Côte du Py? Is that right? I thought there were others.

Several. Guessing they are not finished with the mapping yet? If you navigate to the Morgon village and select the Vineyards pick list you will see a number of entries including notably Corcelette, Les Charmes, Les Micouds.

All in work. Help welcome.
Can someone send me some good scans of good maps. Maybe SIGALES?

Fabulous as usual Charlie.
Many thanks. These maps are so helpful.

Slick!! I love this. Thanks.

Nice work!

Anyone know where Metras’ vines are in Fleurie?

Not real help Wine Tasting, Vineyards, in France: Yvon Métras (Beaujolais)
According to
it is Weinlagen
and Weinlagen

From Crush: “The backbone of Métras’s Fleurie VV is the great climats where he has vines, Grille-Midi and La Madone.” thx