Veleta Gourmet Offer

How long was aged of your balsamic vinegar?

Order in!

It’s gonna be a yummy Fall!

Don’t tell my wife that I just ordered a case of the most delicious tuna I’ve ever had.


You’re amazing!

mumms the word…

I am extending my sale through Facebook and would love some nice reviews about the products. If you have a moment to give me a bit of credibility I would really appreciate it.

Also, I need a bit of help with SEO, Google Analytics, and getting my website visible. If someone here has expertise and could help me set this up, I would be deeply appreciative too.

Nola when might you be sending out these orders?

We are going to fly home to Dayton on Friday. I have some help but want to triple check the orders before I ship them, so early this coming week…

Bumping this up so a few more orders hopefully get in before shipping starts.

Can’t wait for those sardines and jamon.

Thanks Jorge!! My daughter Ashley has been getting the orders shipped out for me since we are up at Mayo Clinic for another month of radiation treatments. If you have ordered a Jamon, I have asked her not to ship the Reservas until it cools off a bit. It is going to be mid 80’s this week and I think it is just too warm yet, so please be patient, next week it is supposed to cool off a bit more… She does work full-time too so she is getting the rest out as soon as she can… Right now, I think there is only 5 or 6 to ship aside from Jamones.

Thank you all so much for your support, I really appreciate it!!

Good to hear.
Can’t wait to try the tuna!

Ok I bought some [dance-clap.gif]

Just had one of my new shipment of sardines and just as fantastic as the last order!

Nola, how long is the promo good for? Another couple of weeks?


Yes, order away!!!

Received my Oil and tuna today and I just can’t tell you how much I love this Olive Oil! No need to gush about the tuna, if you have had it you know it’s as good as it gets. Thanks Nola!

You’re very welcome!
We are glad you’re enjoying it!!

18 cans of tuna and 2 wheels of cheese arrived today. Now the fun part starts.

Juan’s Tuna Salad Recipe

4 hard boiled eggs coarsely chopped, add one can of Veleta tuna (drained and minced up) drench with Veleta EVOO, sprinkle a little sherry vinegar, add salt and pepper to taste and serve with crackers.

Best tuna salad I’ve ever eaten.

My tuna arrived!
If the tuna tastes as good as the packaging the family is in for a treat.

I am going to try this recipe.

Goodies have arrived!

The jamón smells amazingly good and the knife that will be used for it is super cool!

Thanks Nola.

How is Juan doing by the way?

I never drain your tuna – the oil that it is packed in is delicious! Does subbing it out with the EVOO make a big difference?