Using corked wine making Coq au vin

Agree 100%. So even if you can salvage a corked premier cru burgundy by cooking with it, you are only salvaging maybe $10 of value out of it (the cost of an equally good cooking wine) so not truly lemonade from lemons and not something I would go out of my way to do.

Why potentially ruin a good dish with a ruined bottle?

Not a bad first step actually but a risk of confirmation bias. Need a blind test preferably ABX sort of thing. More complicated of course.

Also, similar thing deglazing a pan. (Higher initial hit when wine hits the pan). Possibly this does more to kill the TCA.

Will now be saving corked bottles … [stirthepothal.gif]

I only save corked bottles for offlines with Alan R and Craig G.


But on a serious note, I have used corked bottles of reds in pasta sauces. No off flavors or aromas detected by anyone. I have a higher sensitivity to TCA than the WBers that I regularly offline with (for better and worse)… pileon

Your cooking must mask the wet cardboard. [snort.gif]